Saturday, November 12, 2022

Late post, not much to say

 It is definitely fall weather and as much as I am a warm weather person this is nice. You can put on layers of clothing and blankets to stay warm but you can only peel off your clothes to a point where you can't go outside in public when it's hot.

The ground is still very wet because it's been cooler and the sun is lower in the south so no blazing hot days to dry it out in five seconds. I am really looking forward to getting some nice soil in that bed and actually growing some quality veggies and maybe some flowers. 

I made the mistake of liking a picture of a gorgeous bearded iris and now my facebook feed is full of those and incredible daylilies. I would love to have a flower garden worthy of those kind of plants. I had the marigolds but they didn't really do the trick and grew a lot bigger than I thought. I might drop a few seeds over in that more public bed that has the new plumeria in it. Ninja gardening, like the prisoners in one of those old war movies that had special pockets where they would load up with dirt and then walk around and open them to spread the dirt around.

Why the heck not right?

But back to the irises, turns out the grower is in Australia called Smokin Heights. The colors and combinations are just gorgeous and when I get an actual yard I'll be having at least two beds of flowers and roses and all that jazz.

Probably won't be able to do much gardening at this rate but I'm trying to keep myself as healthy and nimble as possible so if it ever happens I will do it.

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