Monday, November 28, 2022

Wasn't going to post but pictures to show

 It is definitely going to be chilly for the next two weeks. Daytime temps nothing over high 60's so nights are dropping by ten or twenty degrees when the sun goes down. Yay for winter!

Just wanted to show that I haven't watered in two days (three now) and the ground is still dark in low lying places. Also more weeds showing up, the ones barely perceptible in the south bed are oxalis coming up. Oh those are going to get sprayed with vinegar for sure. Even though I'm not going to use that bed right away I  will not have those taking over again.

That south area is in shade constantly now, like it does this time of year. Which is why I put the raised bed on the north side so it gets maximum sun all year. Yes it will be blazingly hot there in the summer but there's no place safe from that anywhere in that area. 

One of my elderly neighbors here came by and gave me a bottle of Maxi-Cal supplement for my garden. She knew I was gardening and didn't want to leave it on the table since she didn't like anyone else.Primarily for veggies like tomatoes that need the extra calcium and since it's a 10-0-0 it's just nitrogen, which is good for green stuff. The calcium also helps plants take up other nutrients and despite my incredible looking tomato with no blossom rot to speak of, what the heck. It's free fertilizer. Now I need to find a watering can with a disperser.

Need to remember to crush the leaves before putting them on the compost pile. I realized my mistake lying in bed last night. Oh well. Larger bits take longer to break down obviously so will remember to do that in the future. I have some scraps from a zucchini and onion I used today, need to start eating more eggs and those apples sitting in the bottom drawer (need some caramel to go with them).

So other than that, it's very chilly outside, slightly cloudy most of the day and small chance of rain later in the week. Will see how that pans out but for now, it's chill in the garden. hehehe.

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