Monday, December 26, 2022

Almost daily compost run

 If I keep using all these veggies I'll have a nice pile to use soon. IF the gophers leave it alone that is.

Not happening.

Went out to dump the much smaller collection today and what do I see? Gopher hole. They are taking advantage of all the wonderful scraps being thrown in there and I am now tempted to put something down to put the compost on top of. What's the point of trying to make your own compost if someone else is getting to it before it's finished? Now, in theory I can use one of the buckets. would need to drill holes in the side as well as the ones in the bottom. Will think about that though. Some of the logs would work as well as larger pieces of bark. Whatever.

Orange peels, celery bits, cucumber peels and bits, all kinds of wonderful vegetation for them to nosh on. Need to remember those coffee grounds in the morning. 

Still daydreaming about a burgeoning garden next spring. Oh! I planted a single garlic clove because it was starting to sprout.

That red metal rod is about 12 inches long and I could run it all the way into the ground in most spots to 10 inches at least without any resistance. Will see if the little varmints discover this morsel and consider it edible. From what I recall, garlic is supposed to be a repellent. Will see.

So yes, still daydreaming about planting in the spring with wonderful pristine soil in my raised bed. Will know what happens when I get my monthly check in January if there's anything left over for extras like soil.

A good portion of the country is having horrific winter snow storms. I'm sitting comfortable in two short sleeve shirts, my long jeans, shoes and socks with the fan on low and the window open. It got to about 80 today I think and by Wednesday it's supposed to rain. I will mark the day when it gets windy because that is the sign of changing weather. It is dry and calm right now, barely a leaf moving and have had to put lotion on twice today. 

I'm feeling industrious about making sure any and all vegetable scraps are put in the scrap bin, my last run had avocado peel, garlic bits, some onion and tomato. Nice salad right? Hee.

I'm dreaming of a green garden.....

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