Sunday, December 25, 2022

Finally have some pictures

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Solstice and Yule! 

As for the garden, still the same. Have been adding to the compost pile and dirt somehow miraculously is being pushed up from the bottom. Wonder how that could happen? Or maybe it's ... compost?? Nah.

I did a lot of veggie kitchen prep yesterday so I filled my (new) kitchen compost containe (aka tall Ikea plastic storage container) completely with scraps. Orange and orange peel, bell pepper, celery, carrot peels, all the things. Just need some of those coffee grounds again but the leaves are slowly breaking down and are being overtaken by dirt and the scraps. This is a good thing. I stir it almost every time I dump stuff there so it's getting mixed.

One of the tenants who we've struck up a friendship with his having to move out. She really needs to be in a  managed care place but she'll find somewhere to live. Anyway, she had about a third of a bag of potting soil left over and gave it to me.

Me not thinking straight just dumped it in the raised bed, it could have gone in the north bed instead. Oh well. It's a start at least and will likely filter through the leaves when we get rain again but hopefully before that I'll have other soil to add in there and be able to plant.

Still nothing exciting  garden and otherwise. Going to head out to daughter's place and spend Christmas morning with them then come home and do the same thing I've been doing.

Planning to take over the (garden) world!

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