Thursday, January 26, 2023

Breezey to blustery!

 Yes indeedy! It is a very blustery and clear day which is our Santa Ana conditions. Wind coming from the East but no Mary Poppins sighted yet. Hold onto your pots!

 I didn't get a picture of the bottom of that ficus pot but you can barely see... roots. Under the tray. If it had been put on bare ground it would have outgrown that pot many times over. So this is one of the many reasons that I would tell people never ever ever put a ficus pot on bare ground and get a solid ceramic pot and tray to put it in. Somewhere in my archives I have a picture of a 42 inch box planter with a 30' bamboo in it that was blown over in the wind. Tall plants act like a sail and catch the wind easily.
If there were any leaves left on the trees, there aren't now. Sycamore and Liquidamber are stripped clean along with their seed pots. Even Rocky was reluctant to go outside due to construction and wind noise. Everything's moving! 

Before on the left, after on the right. I didn't turn it at all yesterday, the gophers did that for me. There was a lot of stinky onion in there and they just didn't care. Not enough in the scrap bin to put out yet but as long as I can keep those little rodents busy with the compost maybe they'll leave my lettuce and other sprouts alone this time.

Well picture upload is being stupid again but you can definitely see the line of seedlings easier. The lighting is so weird with the cinderblock wall bouncing light off and the reddish clay soil..just can't win with photos this time of year.
I did check the camellia bush and I'm pretty sure someone must have cut it off. I didn't see the telltale branch end and there were no signs of petals below. Oh well, the thing about camellias is they have no stem to put in a vase. My mom had two shallow florist bowls specifically for floating camellias and gardenias in when they were in flower. Honestly barely remember what color the camellias were but do remember a light pink like a Debutante flower in the camellia bowl.


And the hummer babies! I got a better picture of them this time when momma was off the nest.

Is that a hair on the nest or a hair on my lens? No idea. From my recollection on how fast these little nuggets will grow they should be fledged out in about 3-4 weeks. Yep that fast. Which is why I will be taking pictures every chance I get but at least once a week.

It is just absolutely gorgeous weather, clear sky as far as the horizon, the hills are greening up like they do this time of year so with the wind blowing in it also brings dust and noise from the construction on the street just East of us. I got my wish for wind blowing through the trees but still have the other noises. This kind of weather makes me want to take a hike through a canyon or some windy hill trails with sporadic trees. Few and far between in my neighborhood but here's a 'painting' I did of one trail I used to love walking.

 I put 'painting' like that because I use a drawing app on my ipad and then just use different brush types on smudge and it looks like it's painted. That trail likely looks like that right now but it's about a 30 minute drive from me now so just have to remember the days.

It's spring for us at least! Warm weather in about two months.


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