Friday, January 27, 2023

No more wind..still clear with changes

 It's positively still comparatively from yesterday, barely a breeze but enough to ruffle the trees. Heheheh. Still wonderful weather and only need a long sleeve shirt if you're in the sun.

Well, I gave up on the compost pile as most of it was being dragged underground and eaten. Kind of useless and like my vegetables from last year. I made a decision to just dig it all up and throw some of the dirt around the edge of the raised bed.

So, didn't have a lot to put out, some lettuce and coffee grounds and tomato ends. Seeing how the last scraps were completely gone I just dug it all under with the shovel then through about four shovel fulls on the raised bed then patted it flat.

I decided on throwing it around the edges because the perimeter wouldn't be planted  much and the heavier dirt was fine there. 

The seedlings are much easier to see but still nothing from the potatoes. Going to be chronicling that north bed as the sun begins to creep further and further north and the shade moves south. The soil around the trench is dry but still not going to water as the soil underneath is still damp. What are those two small logs for? Nothin'. They were there and just left them there for no reason as I'm not planting anything there at the moment other than the potatoes. Maybe I should have done a wider trench and lined it with the logs?
Speaking of logs, I cobbled together a pile of them and then put the edging back around as best I could. Will wait and see if there's signs of the gophers in there tomorrow. 
 I also double checked the camellia and found where it had been which means it just fell off and was happy to see no sign of Camellia petal blight on it. I will research taking cuttings of that if they ever consider cutting it back again. Speaking of taking cuttings...

I did smell the little roses and they are fragrant! Sort of an old world rose fragrance which is another thing on the checklist for identification. On a second search it might be Eglantine Rose (Rosa eglanteria) but again, this is such an unusual old world rose it was likely bought from a mail catalogue for sentimental reasons.

A little sleuthing, a little digging, a little wind and gardening is done for the day.

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