Thursday, January 12, 2023

I followed through! Seeds are planted!

 Yes indeed, almost blew it off but the weather was so nice today i felt it had to be done. It's in the low 70's so comfortable to be outside and only wear a light long sleeved shirt. If I had one. First though, other things around the garden.

Remember what I said about the Camellia having spots on the leaves that are sometimes a boon to the flowers? Not enough virus to cause serious spotting, at least in this flower and there's not enough light for it to put out very many. But am happy to see that it does have white spotting and who knows what will happen if it puts out another flower.

 And the little hummer was sitting on the nest, eggs haven't hatched yet and she watched me very carefully when I took this picture.

 I don't know what she did to that chrystanthemum but it's dead looking. She had a plastic bag over it for a few days and only recently took it off. Wondering if it got too wet/dry or frosted but it definitely should not look like that. Then there's the rosemary tree next to it that will likely take over if it has the right conditions.  Sorry for the one picture per line, formatting is being a pill today.

 And now on to the main event, seeds planted! Thumbelina carrots in front, Cherry Belle radishes in the middle and the lettuce at the back. Only after I did this did I remember that the radishes and carrots didn't very well in that spot last year. Oh well. I planted seeds and that's what counts right? Will have plenty of water over the weekend with the rain and the soil is still nicely wet so not going to worry about watering. I forgot fertilizer though dangit. I even looked at the fertilizer bag and made a mental note to bring it with me. Got too focused on the seeds and forgot. 

Starting to get more overcast now instead of the high and hazy layer of clouds that's been hanging out all day. Other than that, nothing else is different, garlic is still there and the compost is composting. Raised bed is... there.

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