Sunday, January 15, 2023

That was some weather!

 The reports said we would have wind and rain on Saturday and yes indeedy it did happen! By nightfall it was very windy and the rain had started a bit earlier. At some points I couldn't tell what was making the noise but turns out it was 18mph winds whipping through the trees around me. Wonderful weather though and today is overcast with scattered rain and only a bit windy/breezy.

I had filled my scrap bucket with peels from potatoes, cucumber, tomato, two teabags, onion skin and bits you name it and I put it in there. So with only a vague drizzle I stepped out and dumped it on the pile. I do stir things a bit because sitting on top won't help that break down. I might have to get a bit more aggressive though with turning it. Maybe use the shovel instead of the scoop.

It's hard to say if the brown 'soil' under all that is dirt and compost or just compost. I'm betting on the former rather than the latter. It's a good mix right now but with the cloudy/rainy weather it's not going to break down as fast so it may not be ready until March or later. The garlic on the other hand is continuing to grow nicely. Not expecting the seeds to sprout any time soon but considering radishes are one of the fastest growers in the garden who knows. Which I realize now should have been in the front rather than the middle. Oh well.

In other news, we haven't had ants in the kitchen in over a year, they had a pest control company come out and spray the perimeter so since then not a trace. But now, with the wet weather, which we haven't had in over a year, guess who's baaaack. Yep I've seen one about every other day wandering in the kitchen then this morning there were over a dozen marching around the cat food bowl. Degreaser to the rescue! I know where they were coming from, it was where they came from last time so followed the rather sporadic signs and made sure they were all sprayed and killed. If it happens again tomorrow will have to let the manager know that they're back.

Other than everything being soggy and muddy outside, cold and breezy not much else to report. Will try and come up with a garden topic for next time.


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