Thursday, February 9, 2023

Did I forget to post yesterday?

 Guess I did! Late post at that for today. Not like there's anything exciting happening other than the hummers are getting bigger, the weather is pretty much the same for the past three days and the sun is slowly climbing back to the upright position.

I organized my seeds this morning. Got rid of the empty packages  noting that pretty much everything I've planted 'should' be ready to harvest in about 60 days. I took some small red potatoes I saved out and put them in a couple of spots and of course, watered.

Put two potatoes where the garlic was almost forgetting to not put dirt on the lettuce seedlings.

And two roughly in the middle of the raised bed. Yes there's seeds all around but I think everything will do okay. The lettuce is still hanging in there and I'm tempted to take more of those seeds and just toss them around the raised bed. They sprouted in about a week there and am still waiting for the dang radishes and carrots. Cherry Belles should be up in 5-7 days! It's been 8 days. The onions should be up in 7-10 days... same with the cilantro so here's hoping they are paying attention to the calendar right?

I remember having a hard time keeping the soil moist for the seeds last time so I'm checking every day and it seems it needs water every other day. I don't want to miss a day for sure because of how warm that bed gets even with it dropping into the high 40's at night it's into the low 70's for a few hours during the day. The bed is positioned in the best possible spot for maximum sun but we'll see what happens when it gets to 90 for four or five hours in the summer. I still have cucumber seeds and I might even plant the zinnias in the other north bed. 

I forgot to mention that the other things blooming are the ornamental pear trees. White clouds of flowers looking fantastic, and one little yarrow plant in front of one of the apartments here. 

Watered today for six minutes, seems to be a good timing for that and forgot my scrap bucket, will bring that down tomorrow.

::insert old commercial for Mervyn's stor of lady at the door saying 'open open open':: how I feel about my seeds sprouting.

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...