Friday, February 24, 2023

Some photos, still a lot of weather

 Still windy and cloudy and sputtering rain. Not raining today, so far but likely later, cold and windy so I grabbed the scrap bucket and headed to the garden for a few quick pictures.

The potatoes are loving this weather for sure and the peas are starting to gain some growth as well. The cilantro is getting secondary leaves so as soon as it starts warming up they are off and running.


What is barely visible is the first planting of onions coming up. They are there but hard to see,then there's the lettuce that seems to be stalled out at this point. That soil is so difficult to grow in, might as well let the weeds grow or throw something like rosemary in there. Those things will survive any situation and thrive.

Speaking of weeds. She moved the stick, no sign of there actually being any growth as there are a few holes where she poked it in then changed her mind. She has stuck a succulent branch where that was which will likely have better success than the stick. 

Judgy much? Yeah but it's to point out how some people just putter in the garden without knowing what they're doing and expecting things to just grow. I want people to succeed when they garden, I have success to a point even with my knowledge and it makes me happy and frustrated in turn. But I have the knowledge to be more of a success with the right materials. 

I know I made some mistakes and did what I could with what I have. With little money to spend I have very little to make things better. With the new raised bed I have a much better situation than the previous two years. Although, looking at the potatoes on my way back today, the leaves have been chewed already. It's way early for potato beetle so it's hard to say what is chewing on them, only thing I can think of is the same worm that damages roses. Could even be earwigs, possibly slugs or baby snails so without a visual positive ID, can't spray anything.

There was still a robin hanging around, heard it when I walked Rocky this morning and when I was in the garden as well. It was even reported on a news blurb how we haven't had a flock of robins in San Diego in over a decade. Longer than that for this many. Robins apparently are rather erratic in their migration and it depends on the berry and seed availability. Which is why I saw them perching in the tree with all the dry seeds in it and most of the branches where they perched are picked clean.

Going to be cloudy and sporadic rain for a while so posts and reports will be sporadic as well.




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