Sunday, February 19, 2023

Utilizing what is at hand

 Cooling weather with more high overcast clouds. Still good weather though for spring garden stuff. The hill in the distance is a lush green this time of year and usually lasts until about late May when it starts to brown out. As you can see it was clear and blue sky this morning and now it's hazy high clouds. Go figure. Just looked at the weather and by gosh we're supposed to get rain today! Good thing I watered right? Looks like there's going to be high probability for rain all this coming week. Yay?!

I was looking around and judged that where the onions were coming up I could put in another row of them then realized I had only brought down the sprayer and ended up not needing it. I did water the potatoes as that is apparently faster draining and less moisture holding than the raised bed soil.

I utilized the tomato cages, putting the legs as close as possible to the peas so they have something to grab. The one on the end I just moved the red thing (metal stick?) closer and caught some of the netting on it. I would have gotten some metal mesh but spent my meager extra bucks at goodwill on an absolute rare find of an enamel cast iron dutch oven! Score! Was hoping for a metal or wood bakers rack for the front porch but oh well, meanwhile back at the garden.

I was going to just dig in and start moving logs but, again, forgot necessary things like my gloves. I don't have a rake either, which would be handy for moving the leaves. An idea I just had is clear out that corner completely, move the cages to the other end of the garden where I just put the folding chair into the electrical closet. I'm not using that bed as much and aside from the lizards using that as a hiding corner can be used to store the tools and stuff. That sprayer needs to be thrown out as well. Just might take that and the chair to the dumpsters but it's not my stuff even though the owners likely aren't even there anymore. There is a water shut off valve there as well so can't pile the logs there and block it.

First idea: clear that corner, dig up the dirt, yes the gophers like that corner so really need to lay down some wire mesh, but make that another bed. Crowded, yes. Mostly shaded in winter, yes but still should be usable. Aside from getting a little mantis tiller the best I'm able to do has to be done with a shovel. 

Second idea is clear the corner and move the cages but then shift half the logs (smaller ones close to the north bed) over to that corner and tidy up the 'lizard den' of larger logs and make room for me to get to the raised bed a bit more. Then there's that aloe, which could be moved to the other end near the lemon bush where the other aloes are. There's also the long flower planter that is cracked but has a tray. I just need some soil and can maybe use that on my front porch for flowers? The issue is watering it. That's down the road a bit though and not critical.

No one else pays attention to that area so might as well make it presentable for me. We will be getting a new tenant or two soon so maybe they'll want to garden. I don't know if the manager will show them or even tell them about the garden area but that was a selling point for me.

If it was a well cared for and maintained area there would be a rubbermaid shed in that corner. But it isn't and no one (owner/management/tenants) has the money or time for that if it's not being used by more people. (I know my friends, so absolutely DO NOT send one of those sheds, as the management said about the raised bed, I have to take it with me if/when I leave. So there's no use for it right now.)

Since it's going to rain I'm going to grab the onion seeds and run down there.




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