Sunday, March 26, 2023

An adendum post before I forget: rose seeds!

 That pink rose bush where I wait for my grandsons at school? I noticed some of the seed pod/hips were looking ripe so I picked one.

It had a couple of seeds but the rest were small so I separated out the two larger ones, then had a little more time and picked another hip and pocketed it.

All total of five seeds of size that would be viable. I was so excited to try and grow a rose I  just popped them in a peat pellet and used the black container to put them in.

Only after planting them did I look up on what they needed and how long it would take. A perlite and vermiculite mixture is best and about 6 weeks to germinate. Right. So it's going to be a while before those show anything IF they actually do germinate.

Nothing like enthusiasm getting ahead of logic. Will update on this in about six weeks or if they show signs of growing before that.

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