Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Different day, changing weather and things.

So I meant to post yesterday and closed the browser to do something else and forgot. Came back to it now and the entire start of the post was missing so here's a restart.

 The hawks woke me up yesterday morning.They quite literally were calling a lot at the nest this morning and if not for them I would have slept in another hour so they are establishing their nest site and building most likely.

No rain for a while, yesterday was high clouds, today it's clear, two days ago it was sort of clear. I went down to dump my scraps and looks like I need to water lightly as the surface of the raised bed is dry. You can see from three days ago (the potato picture) it was still moist underneath and decided to loosen all the soil where I could.

Dug down to see what the potato in the pit was doing and...nothing. A bit soft but no roots yet so pulled it out and put it over with the other potatoes in more sun, along with the other one that was in the raised bed. There were a lot of worms in the south bed with the lettuce, picked up one and dropped it in the compost bucket. One of the lizards was hanging out and the two in there definitely fell in somehow or were transferred because that plastic bucket is not conducive to climbing.

So both the non sprouted potatoes went in the north bed and I  just loosened the dirt with the lettuce. the pictures are from yesterday and the potato bed picture looks like undeveloped film from the 70's. The other picture I took of that bed isn't any better. Cannot figure out how to get better pictures for the life of me with my phone.

 I am trying to grow green onions again from the cuttings. That picture is after only a day of being in that cup so they sprout rather quickly. The lemon bush is blooming and almost causing an issue walking past it. I have two options, one is to wire some of the branches out of the way, the other is to do some pruning, which would likely get me yelled at by whoever thinks that's theirs.

The soil surface of the raised bed is troubling. It was a definite crust and I can see how the seedlings would have an issue breaking through it. I don't have a hand cultivator so I had to break it up with my hands. When the seedlings get bigger I can put down some mulch to keep the surface softer between rain or watering.

This makes it really obvious for the soil condition going backward in time. Oldest picture on bottom newest one on top. There is still a lot of room available to plant and I plan on putting the onion starts on the edge closest to the compost bucket. since the potato is gone and there's only a few radishes I will have to start tossing lettuce or carrots over there. I put some tomato seeds to the right of the garlic but nothing yet. That was at least two weeks ago, so it's still too cold for them I guess.

I saw a video from a guy that plants seeds with a clear plexiglass front and then does a time lapse. Fascinating and fun to watch but people misunderstood his caption when he did a 'potato plant' video. He didn't intend to plant it for growing potatoes. Just dug a potato down and took a video. No potatoes developed because he grew it in loamy sand or whatever so you could see the roots and shoots growing. Looked nothing like the ones I have of course. These are going gangbusters and the ones in the video were grown indoors under lights so they were all top growth and lanky. Really looking forward to seeing these finally die and I can dig them up.

Okay that's three days worth of photos and content for now. Need to figure out what to put in that lettuce bed that will thrive in four months of total shade and the rest of the year brutal sun. And likely gophers.

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