Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Glorious day, had to water

 So, definitely watered and starting a garlic growing experiment. Still very cold at night but the sun is warm when you're out in it. The lizards are hunkered down in the compost bucket, likely because it's warm there and they're semi-hibernating. When I tried to get one out it slithered here and there then dove down a gap in the scraps so I had to let it stay there. When there's enough in there that it's close to the surface I'm sure they'll figure out how to get out.

Before watering, you can actually see the onions now and it actually looks like I have something growing in there! Even more obvious after watering but not from a distance still.

This one is reversed for the potato bed, after and before left to right. Not much difference really but the plants are looking great though still getting a lot of holes.

Big difference between this dirt and the soil in the raised bed. Very hard to get puddles in the good soil and here, it's very obvious it was puddling to a point. It was mud. Straight up mud, as opposed to wet soil.

I saw a video from the Australian guy about cleaning your spray heads if you have calcium laden water. Which we do. I took a picture best I could of how badly my sprayer is right now and ended up catching a rainbow as well. He used CLR on it and you have to be very careful with that stuff because it is so caustic. Read the directions carefully and if you're harsh chemical-phobic or otherwise like me, get some good 5% vinegar and soak it. I'll have to make do with what I have in the kitchen for mine and see what happens.

Again with the bad contrast picture, the garden neighbor took a stem for a carnation, cut the flower of and stuck it in the dirt. You can start them from cuttings... done properly but I don't think this is the way to do it properly. If it sprouts, she's lucky. 

There was a Dutch Iris blooming in front of an apartment, formerly the manager's office and behind it in the shade was a pot with some hyacinths actually in bloom. So lucky.  Then there's the poor Pygmy Date Palm that has fallen over. Not sure if it was run over or the recent flooding rain did it in, judging from the way the soil is I'm thinking it was flooded.

I mentioned the whole bulb way of sprouting garlic. I just got a windfall of ab out six smallish heads of garlic from a food distribution leftovers at the table. I had to double check the bottoms because the one on the right, the roots have been scooped out, the one on the left would have a better chance of sprouting. I took another bulb and but the tops off, it was a mish mash of cloves and not really usable for cooking so it went in a small glass of water.


Will see how it goes since I didn't do it according to the way it was shown. May change it tomorrow now that it's soaked in water overnight.

There was also a little bird looking for nesting material this morning, didn't get a chance to look it up and try to identify it but was hanging around as I was walking Rocky. Had a buzzing kind of call and finally dropped what was in its beak and another joined it to look for other things.

It moved very quick and jerky so hard to get a good picture of it. Wish I still had my bird ID book handy. Will keep looking around to see what it is.There were so many different bird calls this morning, Red Shouldered Hawks, house finches, this little pair... just wonderful to hear nature coming back after the winter.

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And.... rampaging mammals again.

 We got some serious rain over the week. Some places reported almost four inches! I don't know how much we got but it was a nice gentle ...