Thursday, March 2, 2023

First fully clear day with no rain in sight

 We had more Graupel (hail/rain) and a lot of it in some areas most of the day yesterday. It cleared a little bit early in the day so I was able to get out and get some pictures but had to take pictures of the hail on the roof from inside.


Doesn't look like much but it was slightly larger than the previous session and was worried if it got bigger it would crack the kitchen greenhouse window, we dubbed it 'noisy rain'. The downspout may be clogged or it was just a lot more rain than it could handle.

I am just tickled at how well the potatoes are growing. I recall I had an early harvest last time but nothing during the summer. The two pictures of the puddle are actually after and before and after. The one on the right was taken before the rain but after the previous deluge. The picture of the filled puddle was taken yesterday to give a perspective. Enough rain that the line of seeds was washed away in the latest storm.

Daylight difference for sure but on closer examination the onions are getting bigger and it's all very exciting to see things come up and sprout finally. The hail separated one leaf from the cilantro and am glad it didn't get pelted any worse. I need to remember to bring the rubber edging with me to put on the rim of that planter. I couldn't see the lizards in the compost pile, noticed one or two of the egg shells hadn't been crushed so I got the trowel and smashed them but was careful to not dig in. It's going to need turning soon so they'll get disturbed and will find them a new hibernation spot.

Onions and radishes close up. I am certain that when it starts to really warm up I'll toss more radish and lettuce seeds out there and maybe even try sprouting more garlic. I just can't wrap my head around using an entire head of garlic just to plant. It's.. a waste haha! I'll figure out how to do it without having to sprout an entire head, only need three or four.  Green onions on the other hand I can sprout with existing onions, did it last year but never got a chance to plant them. Yes, I have seeds but it takes soooo long for gratification!
The iris is still going strong and got a name for it now. It's an interesting coloring for sure but without other colors for it to contrast or meld with it's okay. From a visual search it appears to be a variety called 'Tennison Ridge' introduced in 1988, early to mid-season re-bloomer and tolerates light shade. Have no freaking clue who's it is but if I want to get some irises to plant for myself I'll go look for a mixed bag of them. Because I love color!

I need another raised bed or a planter box just for flowers.


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