Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The weather continues to be intermittent

 Rain last night and early this morning and cold wind. Had a full bucket of kitchen scraps so had to take those down and check on the lizards which, in retrospect am naming them Linus and Lucy which are difficult to tell apart.

Top of the picture sidled against the bucket is one, couldn't see the second one but it didn't budge when I dropped the scraps in. It's cold, they're reptiles so yeah, it must be warm in there. Still trying to figure out how they got in there. The bottom of the bucket only has 1/2 inch holes so the only way they could get in there is from the top. I did think that maybe when I scooped the compost from the other location they were in there. 
Just as I planned, put the fertilizer down before the rain and it did my work for me. Everything is coming along nicely but with 60+/- degree days and colder nights the soil and air says it's winter.

Best growing thing in the garden at this point, is the potatoes. The lettuce is meh, but it's still in the shade mostly so not surprising. Not much else going on really but at least things are growing. 

Partly cloudy today, small chance of rain but definitely will be raining tomorrow, wonder if I should put something over the buckets to keep them from getting too soaked.

Plans, plans and more plans. And rain.

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