Monday, March 13, 2023

Release the kraken...err lizards.

 Glorious sunny, breezy (dare I say windy?) day! Warm enough that I only need to wear a t-shirt and worked up a sweat in the garden! The hawks have been very  vocal today, circling around and calling so it's definitely nesting time for them. The wind is also being a bit more than breezy as the wind chimes are going constantly now, which is a nice music to hear on a pretty day. Went out only intending to take pictures and contemplate other topics but thought... time to dump out the compost.

Footprints from day before yesterday where I miscalculated the mud. Now dried evidence that I had been in there. The lettuce doesn't look like much but the largest leaves are almost big enough to pick.

It's looking dry but very wet underneath for sure. The peas (with a little shifting) are finding the wire to climb and the jump in size is very much evidence of that as well.

I looked around and decided if I wanted to dump the compost I needed a plastic bag. I didn't bring one with me, nor did I bring my gloves. Luckily, there was still a bag under the jade from the mulch.

There was definite worm activity under the bucket, which I expected, and a picture of before dumping. The banana peel should have been cut up before dumping but took care of that with my shovel when I dumped it. As soon as the bucket dumped over one of the lizards skittered under the Jade bush. I thought..okay that's one. Saw there was still a good crust of compost in the bottom of the bucket and got the shovel in there, the other lizard was still in there, dumped it out and it joined it's mate under the Jade. Good luck garden friends, moving day and early wake up from your hibernating. With the lizards over there I can feel safer moving some of the logs away from the raised bed and into the south corner next to the Jade. This is also a win for them as it is at the back of the garden and less apt to be disturbed and catches the last rays of the sun, hotter area. Win win!

The scraps are breaking down but since it's tough potato and onion skins mostly, going to take a while for it to look like dirt. Hard to say what of the black stuff is coffee grounds or composted mulch. Another discovery, two garlic and one onion had sprouted. Yay! I tried to separate some of the skin from the onion but it broke the stems so, oh well. the garlic I planted on either side of the other garlic.

The compost was Very wet at the bottom, it smelled like dirt and not rotting anaerobic trash so that was good. Still need to put more holes in the sides for air flow but dumping it more often and mixing it up hopefully will be good. I put the bag back on it to prevent any more accidental incursions of reptiles. Next dumping will be a bit easier as I won't have to worry about lizards and can just upturn the bucket on the bag and give it a good shaking before putting it back in.
Wondering if the cricket got buried and never made it out. There were a lot of fruit flies as well, they dissipated and not a lot were left. Hoping I'm not unleashing a plague on the area.

Since the weather is going to be nice for at least another week I'll be tossing some radish and carrot seeds out there, maybe more lettuce. That area surrounding the two radishes is wide open and with the warm soil the radish seeds should come up fairly quickly.

Like all good intentions I doubt I'll get that grid folded over, since the person living on the other side of the fence doesn't get out there that often, not worried. Besides if the peas grow that tall and form pods, I'll let them know those are free for picking (if they can reach them). 

I think the next 'turnover' needed is dumping out the mulch and leaves to let them dry a bit. The mulch I can actually use around the potatoes but since there's so little left, really need to save it out for the raised bed. The leaves are not good for mulch really because they are flat they will actually prevent water from getting to the soil.

Also next on the list is moving that aloe. Bad enough that it's hard to get past that Jade, so more discrete trimming is in order. Will just toss any trimmings back under or behind it, none the wiser for losing it. 

I don't know if that lady ever goes in the garden anyway. I saw her when I was walking Rocky this morning and she asked how the garden was doing, told her it was growing good and almost mentioned the Jade and glad I didn't. But honestly if I do trim it and she happens to mention it I'll tell her straight up it wasn't going to kill it, and how often does she go in there to do gardening? The bees are still buzzing on the flowers so am careful not to get too close to it and risk getting stung. 

Gorgeous day to enjoy and sitting inside. Might go for a walk later. The wind is just cool enough a long sleeve shirt might be in order, the flannel kind, that I don't have anymore.

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