Sunday, March 12, 2023

Yay for mostly clear days!

 More beautiful days ahead. It was calm in the morning with cloud cover. It never cooled down very far for some reason so still jacket weather but now it's breezy. White puffy clouds with a beautiful blue sky, literally 'sky blue'. 

Nothing new happening but sweetie Jon suggested I just bend the wire mesh rather than trying to cut it. We don't have the proper tools to cut it as it is 'micro' rebar. Per the description 'grade 40 steel wire'. angle cutters aren't going to do squat on that. So if we are going to bend it, have to do it tomorrow at the latest or the peas will latch on any later than that.

OCD strikes again. Those two end peas on the end were too close and the end one wasn't close enough to the upright wire for my liking. So I moved it. Hope I didn't ruin the roots too badly. I actually had to dig a little and remove soil so I didn't bend the roots too badly, hence the trail of darker soil.

I saw a video on different 'gardening hacks for indoors', stupid really but this one made a bit of sense. Trim off the ends of your garlic leaves to make the bulb grow bigger. I didn't understand at first but gave it a try, then the light bulb went on. Pruning for size! You trim off the leaves to put  more energy into the roots and tissue/fruit production! Doh! Which is what you also do with tomatoes and peppers!

Difference from today and Feb 28, not quite two weeks is a bigger difference than it seems.

Just some reference photos for the future. The lighter colored soil is just where I haven't disturbed it. The onions are coming along so as soon as they get a tad bigger I'll grab an old fork (which I didn't think to use for making rows...doh!) and cultivate around them. Might just got to thrift store and look for something because I actually use my serving fork.

Good thing those aren't very expensive at thrift stores. Will have to see what else I can find when I'm there.

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