Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Short post, weather change.

 Today dawned overcast and breezy with drifts of spattering drizzle rain.Temp is in the 60's so it's not necessarily cold, but it's a very odd weather day. Busy day today so will relegate any of that log moving and other things for tomorrow. Just had a big burrito for lunch so not in good condition to do heavy moving or lifting today either.

The one smaller garlic rescue may be failing but there's enough roots it should put up another sprout.  Tucking the peas close to the trellis to make sure the tendrils contact it. I'll bet in two weeks they'll be up and beyond that first cross piece and approaching the next one.

The lemon bush is blooming very well now, more blooms on the backside, likely due to reflected heat from the wall. 

Seeing all the videos and 'garden hack' articles kind of gets me cranky. Not sure how else to describe it really. I've seen at least two videos on burying your kitchen scraps in the ground to get you compost faster. I commented on one that gophers ruined my compost pile so have to do it in a bucket and they messaged back that is perfectly fine and too bad about the gophers. So at least they admit that can be a problem. Other people reported deer, raccoons, opossums all would dig that up and it's true. So not sure really where they get the idea this is a good idea. You have to keep track of where you buried your 'treasure' to dig it up later or leave it in place to plant on?. I suspect this method was just someone trying to get rid of excess waste and realized it was creating compost a bit faster.  Like the hole we dug and threw the grass clippings in.

I saw a raised planter, the kind on legs at HD (I think) the other day but wasn't able to stop and see how much it was so went on the website. If it's the one I think it is, it's only 10 x 18 inches. Wow. For $109 that is ridiculous!

It comes with the cloth liner but this is tiny and if the container itself is only 10" deep, then the whole thing is only about 24" tall. I could spend that much money on lumber and make my own. Maybe even cheaper! I am thinking about planters like this for my front porch area. That is too short though and would rather have a bench or something to put a planter on at waist height.

Will work out the math another time, have to get going on the next half of my day.

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