Wednesday, April 12, 2023

More of an overcast day today

 Started overcast and continues all day. Not heavy overcast but no direct sun really which is okay since I got out and watered this morning. Breezy and cool but that's just fine for the garden. I used some of my fresh cut cilantro on our midday meal today that I cut two days ago and wrapped in a damp paper towel in a baggy. Fresh as if I cut it today.

Reference photos as always, peas aren't very big but boy are they pumping out the flowers and pods! I don't remember what peas I planted unfortunately. There was Little Marvel I think and Green Arrow seeds originally and just looked back to the post where I planted them and those are Little Marvel planted on Febrary 1. They only get about 30" tall apparently so they don't have much further to go. They're about half grown at the tallest height right now. Cilantro I know can get much taller but since they're in full sun they don't have to make big leaves and tall stems. Might grow the next batch in the south bed.

I think there's a lone carrot seedling coming up!? I honestly should have just seeded in place and thinned later. I still must have buried them too deep.

I think also there's a radish coming up near the lettuce and garlic? Hard to say really and I think there's weeds behind the peas. Stupid wind blown seeds. I watered for a good five minutes which is enough to get the top inch or so good and wet. I sprayed where the fertilizer collected to move things around and into the soil.

I was looking at how far down the soil had compacted and calculated I'm going to need at least four more bags at the end of the season. I'll be lucky to have much soil left after this season because the leaves that are under the soil layer have likely decomposed which means there really isn't much actual soil left at all. Will make for some good mixing around and compost but will still need more. So yeah if I put four in before, gonna need 4 more maybe 5 to fill it back to the top.  I should probably try and get another bag of the raised bed soil to fill in when I pull things like the peas and cilantro. 

Lessons learned every season on what works and what doesn't work. I'm also learning that I tend to cut corners and not go all in because 'I know how to garden correctly'. Well I have now realized I am not doing it correctly. I didn't look at the planting calendar, didn't plant seeds at the right depth, all manner of things done wrong but this is My garden and not for production or for other people so I've been lazy. If we were depending on this solely for our vegetables I would need a lot more room, better soil and more variety. 

It's actually coming down to that so will be looking at the planting calendar for my area and next crop in is tomatoes and peppers. Will be planting more onions and garlic in the fall for next year and different crops of lettuce. Radishes are fun but we don't eat them that much, onions definitely, potatoes definitely and carrots. So now that I have a better bed to grow in and soon an other bed will be fixed and amended to grow better... improvement is coming next year.


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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...