Friday, April 28, 2023

Warmer, breezy and ... looking back

Yes indeed the weather is slowly creeping up on summer and seems to be right on track to be brutal by end of May. I didn't get out yesterday evening and only got out to the garden around noon so no sight of the cut worm that is still chowing down on my onions.

I got notified that my google photo storage is almost full so I went and deleted some of the older garden photos and individual shots or uploads that had no more relevance. I did trip down the memory lane of how far my garden has come in two years though.

Formatting again being stupid. Top two pictures are from today, the bottom two are from May two years ago and different times of day. The one on the right bottom was taken around 3:30pm  I will be on the road coming home at that time so can't do a comparison picture today. The bottom left picture you can see that I already had started working the north bed and nothing for the rest of the garden. 

At least the weather is basically the same.

The cilantro is definitely putting up flower stalks and that's okay. I'll keep a couple of them for seed and see if I can trade or even crush them in some recipes in the future.

The tomatoes are recovering very well. Greening up and roots are showing against the cup walls. Going to have to transplant them really soon. Still waiting looking for supplies to plant the north bed. May be another three weeks before I dare to spend money on what I need.

And to round it out again, pictures of blooms from here and there. Mostly here.

There was a bud hiding under the yellow rose flower so I shifted it so both could be photographed.
The Paradise and the watsonia the latter is going to be opened tomorrow maybe even tonight if I get out there to see it.


And the rose from the bush near the school It has an airbrush effect on the petals and I remember a variety years ago like that but darn if I can remember what it was called. 

Will try and get pictures of that lovely smelling messy tree over the fence for more flowers in bloom tomorrow.

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