Thursday, April 27, 2023

Warmer, nice, critter in garden, not so much

 Another fine day just a tad warmer than yesterday but still okay to wear pants not shorts. Iffy on comfort but once inside and out of the sun it's all good. No watering needed, obviously, just got out to check on things and good thing I did.

Knew I should have taken another picture. That black blob on the onion is a cut worm. That's the little twerp that's been gnawing on my onions. Possibly one of the worms because the other larger onions are getting chewed down further.

I then noticed that some of the onions on that side, that I used root ends from store bought, were getting flower buds!
They should be a lot bigger than that before getting a flower, I suspect it's due to the weather and age. I have another half dozen growing in a glass right now and given where I shop at, they are not as big as they should be so still have some growing to do.

This one I pulled because of how much had been eaten and the flower bud. The extra leaf in my hand is from another one that was almost completely chewed through so I just tore it off.

State of the garden, despite intrusions is still good. Cilantro and onions may well be flowering together and the peas should be ready to pick by the weekend maybe. Some of the pods are uneven but still not full enough to pick.

I might transplant that lettuce soon. The other lettuce is still being eaten, it's not me covering it with soil. Hopefully I can get out there this evening and try to catch the culprit. It's not eating anything but the onions and that lettuce. So maybe I got the one on the onions but still have the one over by the lettuce and peas.

The tomato is starting to really bust a move on growing and the other tomatoes are starting to look a bit better now.

Signs of slug/snail on the cilantro leaf. Not cutworm..definitely mollusk due to the type of damage and tell tale shiny trail on the leaf.

The other tomato is slowly gaining speed, might have to give it an extra shot of food. If it's moving that slow on the surface, and how deep it may have been buried, I can only imagine how much of a root system it may have. Probably the strongest tomato in the bed I suspect.











It's spring and 'tis the season for aphids on the roses! That poor flower stem is completely covered in aphids and I don't have any spray left. I do have some DIY windshield soap solution that's soap, water and alcohol. I don't want to risk putting that on the rosebud though. I'll test it on some weeds first because it's also in a handled small jug thing with a squirt top for drinking water. So not really a spray bottle.

That rose is so pretty. Just have to take a picture every time I see it. The only other rose blooming is the yellow one and the aphid covered stem is on the (suspected) Tiffany rose.

The rose seeds I planted are doing nothing and it's been a month so far since I planted them. The information I read said 6 weeks so they have 2 more weeks to show something. I just watered them again and put them in the warm window. They are likely rotting since I planted them in peat moss and they want vermiculite and perlite mix. I've seen seeds survive worse situations so we'll see what happens. Didn't cost anything and no great loss. 

If any of the other roses put out seeds I will definitely experiment with those as well. That won't happen until late summer or fall though.  Still scouring garden exchange and might go look at the local 'No buy' group for the supplies I need. Thing is, what I need is rarely left over or not needed. Especially for gardeners or construction. So wish me luck.

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