Thursday, May 25, 2023

And the sun is back...

 I noticed there was a good stiff breeze or light wind last night and thought...once again the wind brings change. Sure enough, cloud cover was burned off by 10:30 if it even was out then. So clear skies with small puffy clouds here and there. This also means (even if it wasn't sunny) I needed to water.

No one has cut the next rose opening, will see how long that lasts, sorry for the blur, Rocky got to the end of his leash and jerked my arm. I had to adjust the lighting on that epi flower due to being too dark But there's another bud almost ready to open, yay.
Reference picture and shows just how sunny it is, and the scrap dump in the compost bucket. Not enough time today to dump it as we got a late start today. I'll see about trying to do that this evening or tomorrow.

Definitely dry all over everywhere. Those peppers were a nice damp dark brown yesterday so was the south bed. What a difference three or four hours of sun makes.
It may look like there's a good couple of inches space above the soil level but that back part of the edging is higher than the front. The soil is actually level so if I attempted to fill that up, I'd be at the top of the front edging and possibly going over. I tried to make it level but I'm just an old lady with limited tools and help.

The tomato is stretching a bit,  not very full at all but since I've never grown this variety before not sure if that's normal for it. Also not looking as green as it should. These pictures were taken before watering so will see what it looks like in the evening.
Just a difference in the coloring between the main group of peas and the one on the right. They look like they're starting to wind down and are lighter green than the on eon the right that's a sturdy blue green color. Every time I look at them I am thinking pulling them out is going to be a bear without disturbing everything else in that bed.

Can barely see the lettuce between the two tomatoes and the garlic behind it and in front are just plugging along. I twisted the tomato around the stake another quarter turn but again, you can see they aren't as deep green as you would think. I am pretty sure that I used up all my fertilizer as well when I dug in the north bed.
This is not good, they're all going to nee fertilizer and soon.
View from the entrance after I pulled the hose out to water. All the beds got watered including the peppers that were definitely dry.

Those two tomatoes aren't growing as quickly but still hanging in there, onions also. Layla's beds got a soaking since I think she comes back this weekend. ? I basically went around in two cycles watering everything starting with the peppers and  going counter clockwise. 
This is how I knew I didn't water the raised bed enough. That cilantro came up easily and had no wet soil on it other than about a half inch at the top. 

So will definitely be going back to water in the evening. Hard to tell that soil patch at the base of the plants is dry. The wind tends to swirl around in that spot as well, pushing the coriander to the right (south-east). They are about four feet tall now and catch the breeze for sure.

I had a picture of the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant and wanted to quickly explain the name. The darkest purple flowers are Yesterday, the medium purple is Today and the almost white ones are Tomorrow. You get three different shades of purple/lavender on the same bush and it makes me smile when I see that much color on a bush.

Windy breezy day and at almost 4:30 seems like the haze is coming back in but not full cover where we are yet. Likely another hour or so. Enough time to go out and give the beds another watering before dark.


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