Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Another cloudy breezy day. At least the plants are happy...

 except the peppers. I went to the garden without any of my tools or gloves because I just watered yesterday and figured there wasn't anything else to do. Well ya know what they say about hindsight...

The rose is about the right color and intensity, maybe a bit brighter but two more flowers, I'm looking forward and hopeful for good seed caps from them. And the view of the sky through the trees. It really is that cloudy and that little cloud at the bottom is now further north that I can see right out my window and it's been two hours. Seriously.
Had to get up close to the peppers to get a good shot. Looking a bit yellow, same with the tomatoes. The peppers weren't fertilized but the tomatoes were so not really sure what's going on other than the lack of sunshine and warmth.

I got tired of that one cilantro in the back leaning so far over so I pulled it. 4 feet tall, almost 5 because it came up to my shoulder! See where that root is sticking out? That was pointed over to the lettuce and peas. Daannng! I pushed the soil back down and once that area is clear I'll toss in some fertilizer and soil then stir it up a bit to replenish.
A small bee was hanging out on the cilantro, poor thing. It's too cold for it to really fly I suspect. It was a bit too small and no defined stripes for a regular European bee so wondering if it is a wild/native bee? Maybe just a small drone bee. It disappeared before I could get another look at it.
Pretty true to color for the tomatoes actually. Kind of concerning and they are all trying to flower! You all are supposed to get three or four feet tall not 18"! I'm checking every day for flower buds and will nip them out as I see them. It's getting to the point where I am to continue spring/winter crops through to June. With the cloud cover and temperatures it's spring weather for sure. It's in the low 60's today and won't get any higher than mid 70's for the next 2 weeks. Might as well plant more lettuce at this rate over in the south bed with the tomatoes. I was gifted a head of romaine lettuce so I might cut the bottom off and try to root that over there. 
Flowers from my walk yesterday. They are more blue than the pictures, the one on the left I filtered as much as I could to get close to the blue it really was. The entire fence of blooming Star Jasmine, so wonderful! It's encroaching on the sidewalk though as well as the morning glory, technically needs to be sheared back but doubt the owners are going to do anything about it.

The Brunfelsia bushes are in full swing, the biggest one is to the right of that group. This is the 'smaller' variety of the bush there is a larger leaf and flower version that is also fragrant. These not so much.

So breezy cool day, perfect for cool season veggies and yet too cool for doing any hard work in the garden. Was going to dump and switch the compost/mulch but still don't have the right cover for the ground to do it. I know how to do it though without having to dump it out. I think. 

Will see what I fell like doing.

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