Monday, June 5, 2023

Annnd the clouds are back with wind but gardening goes on.

Here it is almost noon and the clouds don't show any sign of going away today. The wind is pretty strong too coming from the coast. I remembered an old adage thing from my dad, 'wind on shore in the morning, off shore in the evening'. Basically we are east and south of the coast so in the morning the wind is coming at us from that direction and switches about midday to blow toward the coast in the evening. Just a tidbit that I remembered is all. 

Good pictures of the flowers because the lighting is better. There were more flowers of the trumpet vine higher up but I couldn't get my phone up that high to get a decent picture. The epi flower seems to be the last one for that plant. It'll be all wilted and closed by tomorrow but such is the way for it. I've seen huge plants with a dozen flowers or more on them with buds coming up behind them. It's a glorious flower and about the only succulent/cactus I would ever own.
Nothing else yet for the radishes but I decided to thin the ones that are up now instead of later. They are just really close together and it's easier when they don't have as much of a root.
Technically need to be thinned more but only a few toward the back. Definitely a do again for radish varieties for those of us who are impatient. If I thinned those properly I'd only have about six or seven radishes, maybe ten.
I think I'm going to let the tomatoes flower at this point, at least the ones in the raised bed and south bed. Unless we get a sudden heat streak I don't see them getting much bigger. Weather app says it might be in the  mid 70's but have partly cloudy skies all the next couple of weeks. We shall see what happens since it drops about 20 degrees overnight.

Yes, flowers on the tomatoes are going to stay, the coloring on the leaves is still relatively light but I think that's also due to the lack of sun. They were darker looking in full sun so not going to worry about them. I gave them what food I could so until I can get more that will have to do.
The onions are about ready to pull so I broke off the tips to see if that would encourage a little more bulbing on them. Nibbled on one and they are nice and pungent for green onions.

And about the same time as yesterday but full cloud cover so no shade marker, the plants look really good though, here's hoping all the plants survive, thrive and produce.
So other than that, same old thing different day. I saw aon an exchange group someone was giving some extra seeds away and was willing to mail them if you sent a SASE. Looking at what they had, wasn't anything really I wanted. Maybe two types of flowers but the vegetables were all larger things like squash or things I wasn't going to eat.
I'm happy I got my garden going finally and it's basically just chugging along at this point. Still have to keep looking forward to plan on the next thing to plant or start.


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