Sunday, June 4, 2023

Not as many flowersor pictures but radishes!

 Clouds were cleared off mostly by 11am and it is now wonderfully sunny and breezy, as it will do this time of year. May Gray is becoming more prevalent than June Gloom where I am. The weather patterns seem to be moving earlier in the year which means we have summer starting late June but still runs with hot temps until October or November. 

I just love flower symmetry and I mentioned nature works in odds well this is two examples of when it misses. The seed bundle is a group of five with 5-7 seeds. The flower cluster is six flower stems and not seven or five again due to growth issues so nature is not perfect but still wonderful symmetry.
The Easter Egg radishes are up already! I remember them being fast germinating when I first planted them before. That's only two days! As much as big red radishes are great for using those colored ones are the go to for fast turn around for sure! Will see if the others follow in a few days. 
Just glad to see the south bed getting enough sun. As dry as it looks I just watered yesterday, will go back out in the evening and give everyone a light watering.

Doing a little research the next thing to grow where the peas were is cucumbers or squash. Outstanding because I happen to have cucumber seeds! Will dig those out and plant them on the trellis line tonight hopefully. They are bush cucumbers but will see how they do on the trellis. That one from last year was a dud and a half but I'm blaming that on location and timing.

I thought I read somewhere that onions were not a good companion plant for tomatoes then double checked and it was the opposite. They are good companions after all, whew! The issue is that onions are susceptible to thrips like tomatoes are. Uh oh.... My one tomato plant last time got leaf miner and spider mites really bad I'm hoping that doesn't happen this year. But then that plant had wintered over and was a different variety so here's hoping all seven plants thrive.

The other problem the cucumber and the zucchini had was pollination. That coriander is going to be done by the time the cucumbers get going so might have to let an onion or two go to flower. The cucumber is going to take 3 months roughly to mature... wow. Better get planting then and start planning some flowers or flowering veggies to go in there. 
Looking up the Space Master Bush cucumber, which is what I have, they only get about 15" across so they're good for a 24" container or small spaces so perfect for that back spot on the trellis. They only get about 2'-3' tall so that might be an issue if the tomatoes get that big as well. Might shade them out too much later in the season. Then there's the peppers I need to restart... so many seeds, so little space.

It's all trial and error right?

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