Friday, June 23, 2023

Another gorgeous day but warming up

According to the local televised weather prognosticator we are headed for summer weather in the next week and a half. Yeeesh, 90's is possible for us but further in the desert it's going to be in the 100's. We will be  using the AC very soon and my trips to the garden may happen even earlier in the day. I was out around 9:30 after waking an hour before that. 











 The orange bougainvillea looking spectacular with old and new flower color changes. Orange is the younger flowers and pink is the older. Multiple shades of both so it was a real show stopper and had to get pictures.

I actually got out Thursday evening to check things because I had to take the trash out but forgot my phone. I put out some tomato leaves as slug/snail indicator and sure enough.  

Still out there. I tossed all my oranges unfortunately so no orange peels to put out. Will figure out a trap for them that's smaller than the one I did. I have other fruit to use as bait and after looking at some options for DIY traps I have a container that will work.

The baby tomato I mentioned is the size of my thumbnail now. I am so thrilled to have so many tomatoes ripening and even though they'll all be done basically at hte same time I don't mind. I now have to find a 'cool season' tomato to put in their place for the fall winter. Or other veggies.  I may be rolling in tomatoes for a while thankfully. Just hope the cukes and peppers succeed.
These are all off the tomatoes in the raised bed. The one on the trellis is doing okay but not as full and lush as the others. Kind of lanky and not as many flowers. Not sure if that's my fault or how early I put it in or location being shaded by the coriander. There's tiny fruit on it but it's hard to see or get to them.

So other than that, I checked the coriander I put up for drying, not quite ready and I trimmed some more seed heads this morning. I am thinking they will all be cut down very soon. Getting tired of them and I have more than enough seed put aside now. 

I will probably take the cut plants to the green waste bin at the dumpsters because my second compost bucket is now getting full (no pictures). I cut up half a baby watermelon so that rind is in there, potato peels from dinner, a few odds and ends, egg shells and of course, coffee grounds.  Plus some tomato leaves and the coriander I had left on the ground. I put the plastic trash bag over it after disturbing the fruit flies to kind of keep those down to a minimum. I might be doing that as a regular thing. It really needs a lid.

 I've seen a few composters on the garden exchange site but they are rarely convenient for me to go pick up due to distance. The tumbling ones would be perfect really but then if I get that I have to find a sieve for screening it and all that.

Speaking of collecting seeds. The yellow Dutch Iris under the orange bougainvillea set some seed pods. I am tempted to harvest them when they get ripe but then what? They'll likely be yellow because that's all that was blooming. It would merely be an experiment and adventure but would rather have other flowers to play with. Like roses. I still have the zinnia seeds but where would I plant them? Beds are full of tomatoes and hopefully peppers and cucumbers soon. I would only be able to put a few seeds here and there. Might do some ninja seeding around in the planter beds where there's sun.

That's it for today. Not much exciting going on, breeze is blowing, trees are in bloom, maybe I'll go take a walk.

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