Saturday, June 24, 2023

Watering is done, observations made.

 Skies were clear and breezy by 10 am. Continues that way with an increase in the wind so that's good for air flow through the apartment. Why is this newsworthy? It  may be the one of the last times we have weather sufficiently cool to not close everything up by the same time and run the AC.

Also makes for very warm soil that dries quickly.

All of the leaves I put out for slug bait were chewed on but also dried out so tossed those in the compost bucket and now will have some traps put out this evening. I realized I can use an empty cat food can as a bait station but have to start collecting them now because I didn't realize soon enough I could use them and only have one now.
Didn't feel like working hard enough to cut back the coriander so just left it for now. Definitely showing signs of drying on it's own. I took a small handful more of seed clusters to add to my collection. The tomatoes are growing yay! Really happy they are doing so well but sure could use some fertilizer. 

Small hole in one of the tomatoes. Will have to keep an eye on it but not going to be too concerned at this point. Could have been a worm, could have been a slug. Who knows. I've got enough clusters going that I can only hope they all grow to full size tomatoes.
Without fertilizer it's hard to say whether they  have enough nutrients in the soil to supply fruit production.
I also tested to see if the tomato I had put a cage next to had grown enough to stand on it's own. So there it is, without the support cage but still shading the small onion at the right front corner.

I was in a hurry to water and as I was doing so realized this middle tomato needed some support. It was the runt of the three in that bed and now is taller than the other two. I know it's too late to put a cage on it so I put a cage behind it. That didn't do the trick I wanted.

I managed to wiggle and squirm a cage around the middle tomato without disturbing the radishes too much. Not all the branches are supported but it has something to lean against all around it anyway.

The bag over the compost bucket has a good amount of condensation collected. Not going to lift that at the moment and hope to get out this evening to take it off and toss the green stuff in there a bit as well as add another scrap bucket of stuff. I had to peel a bunch of potatoes today and had four ears of corn yesterday so the scrap container is stuffed.

Something I haven't mentioned and wasn't able to get a good picture of it. I looked out my window the other day as I was typing and saw a bug silhouette on the screen. I had seen that shape before but didn't think it was in San Diego of all things.

It was a Mayfly! I had to look up to see if Mayflies were even in San Diego as I had never heard or seen them here. Apparently there is a Western Mayfly that is common all over the state.  I know the difference between Mayfly and Cranefly. I've seen pictures of Mayflies and the  imitation ones used by fly fishermen in rivers and streams. The closest lake is a twenty minute drive from us, there are no streams either and the closest thing would be the cement drainage sloughs that rarely has deep water in it. More likely to breed mosquitoes than anything else.

So yeah, odd thing to see, but not earth shattering. Not like the first time I ever saw an honest to goodness Bluebird was in Mira Mesa. I honestly need to get out more often and do some nature observing like bird watching. I do like to do that, but species aren't that diverse in my area and as I need to conserve gas, can't go galavanting around the county.

I do what I can from where I am.

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