Thursday, June 15, 2023

Bit of a humdrum day but weather is improving

 A bit warmer, clouds cleared early and it's a wonderful day for a walk in the park. School is out so I won't be taking my usual walk through a safe neighborhood. I would have to drive to a park as I don't feel comfortable walking around our block. 

Anyway, meanwhile back at the garden. Watered yesterday so don't need it today, tomatoes are blooming more. I discovered that despite their size, I shouldn't have nipped off the terminal bud flowers as they are determinate but other than that, they're doing fantastic. Rebounding with plenty more flowers and the weather is warming so here's hoping all goes well.

The orange Bougainvillea is still looking good, the red one near me is dropping the 'flowers' in greater numbers so not as pretty now. Yes, this is definitely an orange not red or pink.

Looking fantastic in the full sun of noon. The south bed isn't even close to having shade at this time now so they are getting plenty of sun. The radishes are also doing well and getting first set of true leaves now.
That one leaf with the cut out half circle I think I did because there's no other damage on the other plants. Must have done that when I was thinning them.

Lots and lots of seeds on the coriander. Whoever gets brown first will be the sacrificial plant and the rest will get pulled. Honestly one plant is enough with the number of flowers and seeds on them to fill a small spice jar. I think I need to start scoping out the thrift store for small jars.

So that's basically it. Not much to do this week until something happens or things need harvesting. Will be checking the onions for sure on a daily basis for size now that the coriander curtain has been pulled back. 
I did take some pictures of the sky through the trees to see if I wanted to do a 'painting' of them.

I love the colors with the green and white backed by blue, one of the better restful color combinations I can think of for a garden.

All done for today, tomorrow and Saturday will be busy with food pick ups and various other things. May not post until late, if that. Just going to have a lot going on for this weekend. I'll get to the garden for sure because it will need watering by tomorrow but pictures and posting may not be happening.


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