Saturday, June 10, 2023

Late to the blog because of shopping

Still overcast at 3pm today, almost feels like it should drizzle at least but so far dry ground and cloudy skies. Weather app says it has a higher chance of rain tomorrow then clearing and warming up for the next week and a half.

Enjoying the cooler weather while it's hear for sure because if the weather goes the way it looks like, it'll be in the 80's by next month.

This happened while we were out yesterday. The man stuffing the garbage can of branches is the one responsible. He's one of the (less than insightful) gardeners for the complex. Apparently hit the gas instead of the brake and crashed into the corner of the building right below us. If not for the reinforced concrete pole it would have been a LOT worse I suspect. There used to be an epiphylum on a small table and most of all a tall bougainvillea that I was tempted to take a picture of the day before this happened but decided not to. I should have listened to my intuition. Half the plants were destroyed in that corner. He was fine apparently and reconstruction will happen. Poor Rocky was traumatized. The Jacaranda tree is just to the left, if he had turned the wheel at all to the right he would have gone right through that window.

Tomatoes progressing nicely as well as the radishes. Oddly enough while going through old posts I found pictures from March 15 where I had just pulled the radishes I planted in the raised bed.

Here we are almost halfway into June and I have more radishes coming up with my tomatoes. As I said, I'm letting them all flower at this point because it doesn't seem they are going to grow much bigger.

They're almost all about 18-24 inches tall and as healthy as you can get. If they all give me tomatoes I'll be happy. Which reminds me I need to dig out a paintbrush to help pollination on the flowers. Although with the weather the way it is, I wouldn't be surprised if the buds dropped even with pollination.

I finally got tired of the leaning tower of coriander and realized that putting the tomato cage in front of it would give it a lot more support. So this is the last time for a while that there is a view of the tomato at the back fence from this angle.

All spread wide in a fan halfway around the cage it eclipses the tomato again but there's still plenty of light. When the sun is out. I was testing the focus on my phone camera as well as I took pictures of the tomato flowers.

And an attempt to get a shot of the onions at their level. Not quite level for the camera though. Much as I tried, kind of hard to do it looking at the camera upside down and at an angle. They should be ready to harvest in a few weeks, so with those gone and the coriander going that whole corner will be open for... peppers? No movement from the cucumbers as yet but those may be a few more days away from  germinating. Blasted weather. 

I'll likely regret those words in two weeks when it's twenty degrees warmer.


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