Monday, July 31, 2023

Another one is caught and monsoon

 We almost had rain. I thought I heard thunder this morning when I woke up but nothing since. Could have been the neighbor's closet door. I smelled damp wild grass and plants on the breeze this morning so I knew that it was raining somewhere. It's hot and muggy right now and will be closing up since I'm having to run the oven. Definitely sticky weather and according to the AC it is 85 at floor level right now which means at head height it's closer to 88 in the kitchen. Yikes.

I dumped the rest of the mulch bucket around the beds last night. It was still damp this morning and likely will stay that way for another day or two if this cloud cover continues.

Still really proud of those cucumbers just hope it's not too late in the season for them to mature and give me a return on my investment of time and effort.

Just more shots of how much mulch spread around. I wasn't able to get all the way to the back wall of the bed but that's fine. When all those plants are gone it'll all get mixed into the soil for next season. I also noticed that they finally took away the broken and busted up bench from that table finally. Only been that way for almost a year.
Can you see it? I almost didn't. Saw the tomato first, followed the fallout of caterpillar poop and finally spied it. These are harder to see than the hornworms for sure.

I caught myself a few times because a small branch had a white line similar to that caterpillar. I then noticed a small branch that was completely chewed through. Saw the cut off part first because it was wilting. (Holding the cut off part next to the branch it was chewed from).
Just showing the amount of damage those little worms are doing. I am thankful they are the green loopers actually because they aren't partial to the larger tomatoes, mostly foliage and the smaller ones. If they were hornworms I most definitely would be out there at night looking for the bastidges.

The roses are bouncing back as they were supposed to, still irked about it, they even have some buds on them because they're resilient like that. The bulb in the left picture is I think Ornithogalum. Unremarkable flower and so they just pulled that one up and tossed it. The Crocosmia was hacked back as well but that's okay. They're a spring plant and did okay flowering. They really need to be divided to do better.

Well  it's supposed to rain really soon and weather app says we might get scattered thunderstorms. Would just like it to drop some water from the sky to cool things down a bit.

We have battened down the hatches and started the AC because it is miserable outside and in right now.


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