Sunday, July 30, 2023

Weather shift and culprits caught.

 I smelled moisture in the air last night after dark and was happy. This morning dawned overcast but no rain in sight. At least it extended the cool temperatures a bit longer and made for a pleasant morning in the garden and walkies with Rocky.

First, another harvest of tomatoes. They're close to full size and from three different bushes. The small round one is from the center bush in the north bed. Dolores was down in the evening as well and it seems she does more in her planters than Layla unless I just keep missing her. Anyway, it's nice to chat with another gardener. I actually got so distracted finding the caterpillars and talking with Dolores I forgot to bring the tomatoes up! I ran downstairs again and realized one more could be picked so 5 in one shot.

I am getting seriously annoyed about the chewing on my leaves and decided to do a thorough hunt for them last night. So far they only go for the baby and unripe fruit and I have more than enough full size and ready for ripening that losing a few small ones isn't tragic.
Luckily I saw these two small ones almost eaten and turned a leaf over nearby. Hornworms aren't the only things that eat tomatoes. This is likely from the Cabbage White I saw flitting around a while back. And another smaller one on another leaf on the front bushes. Two is a good start but saw more frass and holes this morning on the trellis tomato. No luck finding anything though, but look at the tomatoes!

And a garden friend! The Orb Weavers are starting to show up now. this one was between the front tomato bush and the Jade plant. I only noticed it wasn't a dried flower because it vibrated the web it was hanging on. I saw another between the north bed and Layla's pot but it was so tiny the camera could only focus on the log behind it so no picture. Go get em!

Not much in the way of topics for today just maintenance on the bushes, finding three more blossom rotted ones in the north bed bush. I just don't know what's going on with it. 

I haven't watered except for after fertilizing. I won't need to water for a while and hope that the food does some good for them. The soil gets really dry on the East side because that gets sun first but yet that's the bush that has the worse rot. I can only surmise that the soil underneath is graded in that direction and it's got less good soil to grow in. Sunflower is happy, zinnias are struggling but still going and they should technically be flowering now and not in a month but because I planted so late, will have zinnias in October if I'm lucky.

With the change in weather my brain starts thinking of what to plant next even though I have no room. Best I can do is potatoes in that crate but where to put it?

I think I'm going to pick up the coriander plants, whatever seeds are left on them I'll shake into the planters and then break them down and put them in the green waste bin.  I dumped the scrap bucket (hoooboy did that stink!) and tried to toss the compost buckets a bit. I need a sifter to break the finished compost down so I can use it. The other bucket I will likely add some of the mulch into it as well as some dirt to help it along. 
So where to put the potato crate? I might let dolores have that window box container because I can't figure out what to do with it. Going to need more soil if I want to fill the crate and that. I could grow lettuce in the long one along with more cilantro. 
But where to put the potato crate? 
The soil bag will be gone since it'll be used up, the coriander branches will be gone... that corner gets more shade so the window box can stay there but the potatoes need more sun.

We can 't do anything with the log pile at this point unless I talk to the gardeners. Along with the lizards there may be black widows.  That aloe needs to go. I think Dolores or Layla tried to water it recently . Dolores wants to move the aloes near her area and I told her she needed to talk to the managers about that.

How to keep habitat for the lizards and make room for more planting? I'm sure the lizards could move to the Jade bush but it isn't as warm as the log pile. Dangit!

Have to do a lot of thinking on that for a while.



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