Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Insufferably hot now, not much happening

 Turned on the AC before 11 am. It never really cooled down very well overnight so got a jump on keeping it cooler inside. I will be braving the heat due to needing some crucial supplies.

I fed the tomato beds with a gallon of the Maxi-Cal last night. May do another shot tonight as well. I remembered seeing a watering can in the corner by the north bed. Obviously had been there a while since there were all manner of leaves and dirt in it.  It worked as well as could be expected. Didn't measure out '1-2 tsp' but I think next time I'll use the cap as a measuring device.

Just some reference shots although the two traps and radishes does look like a face now that I see it. The tomato pieces were definitely eaten and I plan on keeping pieces out as a sort of deterrent so they go for the tastier rotting fruit rather than the leaves of the radishes and tomatoes.

That seedling is looking a bit like cilantro but still waiting to see what it looks like further down the road. So help me if one of the tomato bits actually seeded or one of the logs or seeds below sprouted I will be very put out. The lower leaves on the trellis tomato are showing signs of deficiency, could be natural aging at this point but one of the reasons I gave everything a shot of the Maxi-Cal. Anything is better than nothing right?
I decided to tease out the last cucumber sprout but in the process I felt a 'snap' and when I got it out it looks like it broke away from the seed base. I don't know if it'll survive but here's hoping. I'll be watering tonight as usual to keep those roots damp. If it wilts oh well, I already have two plants going so loss of a third is not crucial.

The number of tomatoes on this corner still boggles my mind. Over 20 just on these two bushes. Looking forward to growing it again next year but also try another determinate variety as well. Peppers. Still no peppers gosh darn it! Kind of bummed I went overboard on the tomatoes and the peppers were a bust this year. 
Sweet peas will be going on the trellis for the winter with lettuce in front where the onions are. With my luck the cucumbers will last until October as well as the tomatoes. Good thing peas and lettuce do just fine in winter here.

There is a sort of garden tradition here that you plant sweet peas in October and have flowers for the Christmas table in December. I'd be happy to try that as well as doing a winter planting to have spring flowers as well. 

That is if my current crop lasts that long without disaster striking in some manner.

If I had a larger home and yard I would have a dedicated flower garden area and veggies and maybe a combo of both in a larger bed. Veggies can be pretty as well as useful and flowers can be useful as well as pretty.


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