Thursday, July 13, 2023

Still hot and not gonna stop any time soon

Full swing with the heat, had to have the AC o n last night to get the temp in the bedroom equalized with outside temp. So many other gardeners in my area have bounties of fruits and veggies to trade and I've got nothing. Yet. I'll be giving my tomatoes away I suspect when everything starts ripening, any day now that biggest one will be turning. But first, about last night....

The other cucumber didn't make it. Totally fried up in the sun I could barely see it and thought slugs or something had gotten it then looked closer and it was just completely shriveled up. Poor thing. If the other two plants survived and thrive I'll have enough cucumbers for sure. Another zinnia seed is coming up, the snails and slugs and bugs don't seem to be eating them. Hmmm.
(blogger connection to google photos is working sporadically and as a result posting is taking much longer than necessary.(
The sunflower has lost all it's lower leaves. It's putting on growth but not much in height. I'm continuing to monitor and loop the top around the stake as it grows. 
The seedling that is coming up next to the trellis is bugging me. It doesn't have primary leaves like anything else I've planted there. As I said if it's a sprout from something below I will be digging to China to get it out of there. It can't be a tomato because I didn't plant any tomatoes there. I haven't done any Marigolds either. As tough as that is (meaning stem strength when I brushed it) it is coming from very deep and is not a cilantro. I tried Google Lens but all it could focus on was the mulch.

  I noticed a tiny spider nest on one of the tomatoes, it was very hard to get a good picture of her without turning the leaf over completely. You go ahead little Charlotte and let your babies run amok in my garden.
I transplanted two of the onions from next to the tomato to fill in at the other side. Going to have to remember these onions can be planted relatively close. They all looked fine this morning when I went out to check on things.
Just another shot of the tomato and sunflower for reference to see if the fertilizer makes a difference. I made two can fulls of Maxi Cal this morning and got all the plants with it. Both on the ground and on the leaves as it can be used that way. Not much in the traps this morning, or wandering around for that matter. Cucumbers are doing great so far and now that I have that larger container I can keep it safe much longer.

A nice view of the tomatoes behind the trellis and a tomato that isn't mine. Layla is growing a huge tomato plant in a 2 g pot. It's healthy as any of mine and putting out lots of flowers and fruit. It isn't a Roma, the fruit is more round and slightly striped. More power to you lady!

I pulled the trap cans and bark off before I gave them all the MaxiCal watering then put them back. Certainly are slugs there and some pill bugs, but the radishes seem to be left alone for the time being.
Okay so photos finally got in sync and everything in the garden is looking okay. Someone left a Roma tomato on the community table earlier and I almost picked it up but it had a huge dent in the side of it. It's about the same size as my biggest one so any time now it should be turning color.
Any day now...... yep. Real soon.... 
Is it red yet?

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