Saturday, July 15, 2023

Lots of heat and watering done

 It is projected to only get into the mid-80's today but that is still too warm when it's already 80 in the house and outside. We'll be running errands this morning for needed groceries and stuff so might be buttoning up before we leave. It's going to be in the low 90's for the next week and a half so AC will be happening a lot more. Thankfully night time drops 20 degrees so am thankful for that. It usually isn't that bad at this temperature but it's also 56% humidity. THAT makes a huge difference in the 'real feel' of the temperature.

Sunflower certainly looks like it's trying to put a flower bud out but will see if they turn into leaves instead. Speaking of leaves developing'

These are pictures from last night when I went to cover them up. They were still looking spiff this morning and the bigger leaf had filled out even more. I love watching things grow!
So last night I was digging around to make a channel for the rectangle cover and unearthed a very long tomato root, this tells you a few things. One: that roots follow water, most of the water is close to the surface so there you go. Two: tomatoes need a lot of root room to spread. I didn't have any issues with pulling on it to get it out of there, it broke at the end on the right first. And am going to have to find another rectangle cover for the other cucumber soon.

I did indeed transplant the zinnia from the south to the north bed. Used the water in those cups to give it a shot over night. It was a little soft wilted this morning but it also had full sun on it for the first time in month. I watered everyone very, very well.
I also pulled out all the trap cans and am abandoning that for now. Radishes are gone and nothing else seems to be eating the zinnias.

Rocky spied a big lizard on the wall this morning, he was off leash so I let him try and catch it. OF course that never happened as it just nimbly skittered up the wall and across the window screen. He realized that was not going to be a win for him so he grumbled and continued to check out the planters. Some of the lantana flowers can be seen in that close up of the lizard.

Zinnia is still hanging in there and the rest of the bushes are still looking good.

I didn't get a picture but there's new chewing damage on the front tomato bush. I didn't notice it before so it's possible it was from the previous caterpillar or could be new. I will monitor the situation of course. 
Cannot wait for these tomatoes to all get ripe for us to have a bounty to eat and share. In my two years of gardening this has been the best year for production. The other tomato bush was pathetic in comparison. I got maybe one or two zucchini off the bushes I had planted and maybe a handful of potatoes. Which is another thing I need to plan for.

So hard to be patient and not throw seeds in there right now. Those cucumbers (may they grow and thrive successfully) will be filling in all that area. I will be pulling the onions real soon. The last batch has been in the fridge for a few weeks and have yet to wilt.

I thoroughly wetted a paper towel and wrapped the root ends then put in a zip baggie. It was shoved to the back of the fridge for a bit but they haven't wilted, rotted and are as fresh as the day I picked them. This bunch will get the same treatment for sure.

Time for a snack and then off to errands.

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