Friday, July 14, 2023

Everything outside is done before 10 am

 Going to hit 90 around noon so ac is on at 10 am. All the news reports are sounding like a disaster movie with flooding and rain in the northeast, monsoon rains in India worse than usual, record breaking deadly heat all across the south from east to west and up along the coasts. So yeah, something about climate change isn't real?

First, some flowers.

The last hibiscus flower looks a bit chewed but looking pretty. Almost all the lantana next to it have all lost their flowers. The individual little flutes have just all dropped never seen that before but it was in full bloom last week so I guess that's normal. The asparagus fern is also in full bloom, smells like apricots when you get close.

Pictures are in reverse order. I made the decision to pull the radishes, you can see just how small they are and due to the heat and other factors some just weren't making a bulb or they were torpedo type which makes it worse. The smallest growing ones were the ones that were the most developed. Just not the right season for them and they'll do better in the fall. 

The reason why I pulled them is I noticed flowers on one of the plants. That is not good. I pulled it and absolutely no bulb. I technically could have used the tops in a salad but I don't have any other greens for a salad. Sure did smell like radishes though. 
So yeah. I'll see if the library has some Easter Egg variety toward the end of summer. Or October, whichever comes first.

North bed is looking good, the sunflower almost looks as if it's going to be putting a bud out but it's still way too small and young.

Raised bed, the cucumbers survived another night, a few more pill bugs in the trap. The two onions that were transplanted are doing fine, but I was concerned last night because the skinnier one was a bit limp. Right as rain now so I'll chalk it up to it not liking the full sun from being shaded all the time.
The zinnia that's being shaded in the south bed will be moved. I almost did it this morning then stopped myself. Right, move a fully shaded plant into full sun in a heat wave...can we say toast? So I'll be doing that tonight instead and put it over in the north bed with the others. Still waiting on that seedling to show what it is and am still concerned it is something I don't want in there.

At this rate I honestly think the tomatoes really will all ripen at the same time which will be hilarious. I noticed the two spots on this one tomato in the raised bed and am concerned it's an insect of some sort that burrowed in and out again. Will see what happens later on but don't want to cut it open now. Might post the picture to one of the garden groups. There's only one other tomato with a spot like that out of all of them.  So at this point I'm concerned but not panicking. 

After some sleuthing it may well be Tomato Fruit Fly which I would not be surprised considering the compost bucket was near there and uncovered for several months with rotting fruit in it. 

Oh and that spider nest? No surprise there were a lot of web strings across the plants in the north bed where the nest is. Yay for garden helpers! Don't have to worry about webs across vast distances with that one and frankly, still too early for any of the orb weavers to show up.

Just so stinkin' proud of my garden right now.


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