Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Still warm maybe even hot, windy outside

 Another day with the AC on started around 1pm.  It is really windy outside but we can't take advantage of it due to it being in the high 80's outside. I was going to water today but decided to postpone it to the evening. Not much else to report on the weather or garden so here's the pictures and commentary.

Evening photos, burgeoning tomatoes and the sunflower has totally evaded my attention until I noticed there were five or six new leaves. I snapped this picture and sent it go the previous owner. It's still rather leggy but it's growing.
It's a never ending surprise seeing the tomatoes growing so well and all different shapes despite being the same type. Still on the watch for other caterpillars since it's rarely just one on a bush.

There's just tons of fruit on these two bushes and it's actually covering up one or two of the onions. I  might have to transplant them behind it more out in the open. The garlic is still hanging in there as well. I covered all the little seedlings and will have to leave the cucumber uncovered tonight. It's outgrowing the cover and the new leaves are getting big enough. I might use the ziploc container tonight on it and see if it is big enough to cover one of the other zinnia seedlings too.
All the plants have all the flowers and fruit, it will be exciting if I end up with more than a handful at a time. The way they're sizing up it's going to be September before they start winding down. I tried to tape the leak in the hose. The tape was dirty and didn't stick so I had to rinse it off upstairs and hope it was clean enough to stay on. I ended up not watering last night and this morning so it's had plenty of time to 'cure'. 
New leaves now very visible and the cotyledon (seedling) leaves are touching the sides of the cup. It's aliiiive! Still don't trust the slugs to not eat any of them. the tiny zinnias show signs of something eating at least one leaf so they will all be covered over night for sure.

And just showing the difference in shape and size of the tomatoes. The two large ones are on the trellis and the small one is on one of the south bed bushes. The largest one is almost the size of market tomatoes at this point. There's a good month or more between them so this is going to be tons of fun with such a long harvest time between all the bushes.
So that's it until this evening when I go out and water in about three or four hours. Have to remember to bring the container with me, maybe do something creative and cut two cups vertically and tape them together into a bigger circle. Hmmmm.
Is it possible to have too  many tomatoes? I don't think so.


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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...