Saturday, February 3, 2024

Off again on again...

 Speaking of the rain of course. Not raining now but it might tomorrow afternoon, so of course everything is still wet but that's okay. Nothing you can do about the rain coming and since my soil is pretty good for drainage I'm not worried. It's starting to cloud over with flat high clouds right now (after 3pm).

That's what it looked like this morning, first one is more southwest and the second is at the end of the garden which is southeast. Only thing wrong with these photos is buildings and power lines.


Slowly but surely the sun is reaching more of the west bed. Those radishes are (almost?) always in the shade still but the onions in the middle are getting some sun. I decided to take some of the outer leaves from the Romaine in the raised bed and some cilantro in the west bed. Made some salsa and will have some salad with our dinner today.

Not very big leaves but still young and tender. Cilantro will be picked as needed for the next several weeks of course. Going to be some tasty greens for the next several months.

Seems like those potted plants are just poking along and barely growing. The radishes in the raised bed though are growing like mad thankfully. Those true leaves I took a picture of previously, doubled in size in just two or three days. Seriously.

The back potato was exposing a little red spud so I moved some soil around the plant and tried to prop it up. That smaller plant down front I think is either a spudling that sprouted or the russet piece I planted. The other and larger potato plants are getting huge and tempting me to pull them up. I need to wait until they start looking less healthy or flower. Moving the potato plant around I also noticed the poor little Romaine that was still trying to grow at the back, I decided on a mercy killing and it came up with a perfectly round rootball. Weird. I shook off as much as possible, broke off the plant and tossed it in the compost bucket. Cycle of life in the garden.

Now, are there any other gardeners short on cash that save trays for seed starting? I added the yellow tray that chicken thighs came in (after washing thoroughly of course) to my stack. Not very deep really but it can hold a good layer of soil or other trays or even pellets for seed starting. Not that I'm going to need that much space for the small number of seeds I'm going to be planting but still good to have around. My frugal mind is trying to justify saving things.

I can't imagine how busy I would be with a bigger garden, meaning something twice the area of the full garden that would be all mine with four or five beds for planting. The planning involved, making sure everything is watered in the summer and then there's fertilizing and seeding everything... wow. Like it would almost be a full time hobby or something.

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