Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Despite the weather I did not water.

 Got a very late start today and despite it being 87 already at 11 am, there is a cool breeze that keeps the temp outside tolerable. As long as you aren't in the sun. 

This is the onion I got the seeds from.  I don't know why they would plant an onion in a pt with an ornamental plant. It seems to possibly be a white onion down at the neck. Wish I could have taken more than just the seeds because it's obviously neglected. Then there's the Mexican Bird of Paradise, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, also known as Peacock Flower in someone's front yard. Don't know why I never noticed it before in my walks a few months ago. Likely because it wasn't in flower and easy to overlook. 
The cucumbers are big enough to harvest but not very plump. Hesitant to harvest too soon and have to keep track of them or they get woody and inedible. These are pictures from last night and not much different this morning.

The one on the left is showing signs of something munching on it at the stem. Despite having it on the bark. I shifted it a bit more so the bark is more under the stem. You can also see the scraping on the other stems from the blasted pill bugs.

Oddly enough the female flowers aren't opening up very quickly, and there is a plethora of male flowers to only two females that I found.

Lots of male flowers. Also one of the females didn't get pollinated, that one on the right. It's obvious and there's another one that also is fading without fruiting. Oh well. I keep making sure to bring my little brush with me every time I go out just to be prepared.
It almost seems like they're in stasis or something. Barely growing and not opening, so am keeping an eye on the babies. I was wondering if because there are four fruit growing they are putting all the energy into those instead.

I noticed the telltale smell of cat poop while looking at the cucumbers and turned around to see the lumps in front of the onions. I couldn't just dump it over the wall so I tossed it to the back of the jade plant and hope the pill bugs and insects take care of it. I then put the logs in that area until I can get the other onions in there.

The other bed is fine, totally undisturbed. Maybe it's the compost I put in there, oh well. The zinnias are still doing good thankfully and the tomatoes.... no BER right now. But the tomatoes in the south bed are all getting it. I think those bushes will be the next to go as that is now all shade by 11 in the morning. Time for crop change there.
Seriously considered chopping down one of the tomatoes but given the heat, I decided against it. The one I want to remove is also the one with a cage that is supporting the sunflower.

As I was taking a picture of that pair of larger ones the tomato on the left popped off with very little effort. Sigh. I'm going to blame the heat on this issue, hoping the fertilizer I put in is helping them out a bit. Going to double dose that bed when the tomatoes come out, still need more soil for the raised bed and this one.

 My pride and joy and supplier of so many tomatoes. I am reluctant to let this one go but it will be time soon enough and as it cools down the sweet peas will go in there.

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