Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Watered again because more brutal weather

 At 10 a.m it was already 90 outside. As a result of showering and such, didn't get out to the garden until 11 and it was 92, it is now 95 at 11:40 a.m and projected to be 99 today. Whimpering is happening. I have school shuttle duty today at 2:30, will see if I go for my usual walk.

I got out last night to check things, still no female flowers to pollinate and the fruit that is there, is growing exponentially I swear.

Picked two tomatoes last night, the smaller one was hiding behind the trellis and is a perfect color as you can see. The zinnia is trying to bloom, not sure what color as  yet but this morning it and the other were rather soft and wilting already.








Yes, that's the same cucumber 24 hours apart.  It's the only one in the corner of the bed that has another baby near it (that didn't get pollinated it seems).

My little garden. The front tomato bushes I am really tempted to just yank over the weekend because there aren't many fruit on it right now and the one that is coloring hanging on the trellis is about it. That would free up space so I can prep for the next season.

The one on the left didn't get pollinated, oh well. The one on the right looking like a .....rocket will be ready by tomorrow I suspect. I had to circle it because it blended in too well.

You can see the little platform of bark I did for one of the cucumbers and how wilted the leaves were already in the heat. All the others have a piece as well and when I picked them up they were dry underneath. Previous to that arrangement I would pick it up for a picture and it was very damp. 
I also cut the dead leaves off the strawberries. Some are still very loose in the soil but a couple are showing signs of new leaves in the middle. Crossing fingers they will take. They were all still damp including the pepper which is a good thing, I splashed water on them anyway. Not going to put that pepper out in the sun until this heat wave is done. It will fry in no time. All of those can stay in those pots for a long while while they root in. No rush.
Onions are growing in the shade which is okay. I think there might be some cilantro trying to come up behind them. Will see what the seedlings look like when they get a second set of leaves. Dolores says that's a pumpkin, I don't think so. Not a usual orange pumpkin at least. If I see her next I'll tell her to put a net sling under it if she doesn't want to keep it I'll take it.

That hose. The original patch I did has given way and the hole is big enough it's lowering the pressure coming out of the nozzle noticeably. There's a smaller break as well so it just needs to go away but I don't have the  money to replace it and asking the other two to pitch in is not a good option. 

Getting one of the pocket hoses would likely be the best thing and use a bucket or pot to keep it in. Would have to get a multi spray nozzle to attach as well. HD is my usually go to but there's a new 'discount' site called Temu that I've been seeing ads for. Disturbingly low prices on things and likely ships from overseas. A 50' expandable hose is less than $10. Honestly might get that next time I get money and just keep my nozzle attached to it. The hose has a shut off valve on it and is likely easier to work than the one on the nozzle.

So will see what happens when I get money next.

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