Thursday, August 3, 2023

Gosh, nothing to do.

 Yes it's warm but it cooled down wonderfully overnight so it's taking longer for the heat to rise. We're going to the library today so will lock up before we leave. Not going to be as warm today as the previous two days thankfully but will still be warm. Got out much earlier today since we should be at the library around 11:30 or noon.

Mulch is a wondrous thing. I have not had to water for three days. The soil underneath is evenly moist and cool. The cucumbers are loving it, the tomatoes are doing as well as they can.

Photos from last night. Despite how that tomato looks, it's fine. I'm having to tuck branches up almost every day as the tomatoes get heavier. I might get some of the green wire tonight and run it around and anchor to the trellis.
After I tucked up the branches it still is a mess and if this were planted in the middle, it would be spread across the full width of the trellis. I did pick five more tomatoes as well, smallish but still good.

The front tomatoes are another deal entirely, similar situation thinking they would only need two stakes. Riiiight. Boy have I learned my lesson on these tomatoes.
And this morning, bright sunshine on the garden, pretty toasty in full sun but very comfortable in the shade.

As I'm looking at these pictures, I remember the zucchini did something similar. I had two plants and the one on the right didn't do as well as the one on the left. What the heck is going on with the soil? Now that the zucchini problem is compared I feel better that it's the soil not me. Something about that spot in the bed and now am wondering if it's drainage to that spot or something else. 

Makes me happy seeing those cucumbers thriving and happy. I have a feeling in another month that will be all cucumber all the time. At least the plants will be that big. Here's hoping for a good crop of those to match my tomatoes.

I checked the bag of fertilizer and it's supposed to be spread at the drip line and with plants 3' or more it's supposed to be 2 cups around the plant. 2 dry cups is smaller than 2 liquid cups thankfully. I think I did at least 1 1/2 on some of them. Hard to gauge given the scoop I was using. Not going to use my good measuring cup for fertilizer I think the scoop has a measurement on how much it holds. Certainly not going to use the scoop on anything in the kitchen either. Will figure it out.

All of that is to point out that people sometimes are shouting about how good organic fertilizer it's the only thing you should use. Cost wise, organic is more expensive than non-organic. Jobe's is cheaper than another brand but compared to products like MG and other non-organic it isn't. You don't have to use the organic as often but you have to use more. It all depends on how hard you want to work in the garden. For vegetables I will always go with organic because it makes sense. 

Given an unlimited budget I would have Gro-Power fertilizer exclusively for my garden.  Not being paid to say that, just after twenty years in a nursery that was the best fertilizer to use on everything. They came up with a formula for acid loving plants, veggies and roses. The regular one was good for just about everything. Expensive? Yes comparatively but worth the cost. It isn't considered organic because it is humus and mineral based. But not chemical or synthetic.

So anyway, that's my opinion on fertilizer today and don't have to use the one I have for another 4 weeks. Gardening is only hard work for small portions of time over the year. Coasting through the growing season right now.


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