Friday, August 4, 2023

Was in such a brain fog yesterday

I looked at the title for the previous post and have no memory of writing or thinking that. Another warm day but it cooled all the way down to the low 60's over night which was wonderful. Wish we could have circulated that through the apartment more. I am feeling better today and got to the garden this morning, bringing the necessary things for doing what I planned on doing.

Watering and tying up tomatoes. But first, about last night....

Examining the cucumbers when I saw what looked like flower buds at the leaf axils (the joint where the leaf stem meets the main plant). Could they be trying to put flowers out already or are they just more leaves? Much too small for fruiting but then again, they've come so far when I nursed them along and saved them from the ravages of bugs and mollusks.

They're getting big enough for sure but should be twice that big to start fruiting. Two tomatoes in the south bed that are smaller than should be but ripening. I tried pulling them off but they are stuck good. So another week before any of them are ready to pick.
After tying and watering, not shown is the other front bush I also pulled up the falling branches. I had to water twice because I figured the soil was damp enough under the mulch but after I disconnected the nozzle and did a check, the mulch and soil were still dry in a lot of spots. So hence the large patches of mud where the leaks happened and extensive watering over the edge of the planter. I suspect I won't need to do this again for a few days thanks to the mulch.

There are two new holes in the hose and I should have taken a picture of the receipt and saved the hose cover to get a new one for free. Oh well. At this point with two other people using it might have to pool our money to get a new one or as the management for a heavier duty one. I bought that hose February of last  year and it has three holes in it already? Wow... certainly got what I paid for. Cheap hose for sure. The nozzle is two years old as of June and has held up almost as well. 

Another lettuce was picked up at the library, was going to also pick up tomatillos but the librarian got busy taking care of some family that needed a new card for their mother. I found this one on one of the racks and called it a win. Was going to get the butter lettuce or this so that kind of made up my mind. Will go back for the tomatillos whenever I get there. 

So now I have three different types of lettuce to plant, although it didn't say which varieties were in it even on the website I suspect there are duplicates of Red Sails but doesn't matter. The site did say there were heat tolerant varieties in the mix as well. So I guess I'm all set for seeds to plant in the fall now. Just have to wait for the weather to cool down sufficiently.

They took a weed wacker to the bed I now can see because the first thing to come back up is the cannas. The roses are putting out flower buds yes, just not as big as they should be this time of year. Will see how fast they disappear as they start opening again.

And that is that for today. I have enough tomatoes from various sources to make a tomato cucumber salad for the complex summer bbq this weekend. Maybe toss some onion in there as well, white not the green ones I have chopped already. Which reminds me I should plant some more green onion seeds.

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