Sunday, August 27, 2023

Watered, fed and minor annoyance

 It is going to be 96 today so got out as early as I could with Rocky and doin gthe garden. It was fiendishly blazing hot on my back at 11 am. Slightly cooler toward the end of the week but nothing lower than mid 80's. Summer continues on which means any planting of 'fall' veggies may not happen for another  month. Hope to get back out in the evening but it may not be reasonable temps until well after dark so likely no pictures. Just checking on things. Yeesh! So much for the traditional 'fall planting' guide. More on that supposed calendar another time.

The minor annoyance: I was moving the hose around to water last night and it flipped and clipped off the end of the shorter vine. Oh well. It didn't take the whole thing and this will likely force more side growth on that one. Cukes are still growing, the curved ones I'm keeping an eye on since that can be an issue as they get bigger. 

The strawberries and pepper being in the shade all the time are staying moist. The other beds however are drying up in a snap in direct sun. I watered as well as I could last night in the fading light and this morning both beds were dry half an inch down by 11 am. Wow. Mulch mulch mulch makes a big difference. Everything is doing good because how deep the soil is so the roots reach for that and are doing good.
They are getting to a good size and are heavy which means they have enough water. They are all still quite spiky but I suspect by this coming weekend the two biggest ones will be close to picking size. 

This is so exciting, the tomatoes didn't grow this fast. My zucchini was a failure as far as I'm concerned (and that is directly from where I planted them). But these are just amazingly fun to see growing so quickly ever day. I had my brush with me but only two females I could find that weren't open yet or I had missed and the flower was already shrinking. I have almost a dozen growing right now so I'm good.
The cucumbers on this vine I suspect are curling because it's hanging down so  I propped it on the orange bucket to give it support. That doesn't explain the other one that hasn't been hanging but will see what happens.

Not a good picture due to shadow but I planted the three green onions I had in the kitchen. I cut off the rest and put them in water so those will be planted soon also. Picked two more tomatoes as you can see but tomatoes are winding down. It's going to be cucumbers and soon, more onions and cilantro, then lettuces and root crops. Should I try my hand at garlic again? I think doing a test run of the bulbing onions is going to be my patience test.
I shouldn't have planted those onions yet but I fertilized everything last night including bare ground in that bed and the west bed.

Meanwhile, there's a fungus amongus!

It is that time of year for sure. Spider webs, garden visitors and fungus in the lawn. Sure those look like the edible kind but am definitely not picking them. Someone in the garden groups wanted an ID on some mushrooms that her dog ate and started getting diarrhea. 
OMG! So many things wrong with that! First, if you have fungus in your yard, clean it out before your less than insightful dog thinks it's edible and use gloves or a tool. Second, if he's having a reaction, take the picture and a sample to the vet with the dog! Don't post on a garden group about it until after you've done the first two things! 😲😡

Meanwhile, a fluttering visitor to the garden this morning. I'll have to check the lemon bush for eggs.

Very short clip and due to the little hussy fluttering around it was hard to keep up with her. When I went to check the cucumbers first thing there apparently was a bee hiding under a leaf or checking a flower because it buzzed out when I moved one of the leaves. There was also a cabbage white that came by with the swallowtail so I guess I'll have to go keep an eye on the other plants. There was also a lizard yesterday, second one I've seen and they seem to like hanging around the south bed and scurry to the jade bush when I arrive in the garden. Too fast for pictures.

So that's all for today. Staying cool and comfy.

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