Monday, October 30, 2023

The air is so dry.... and a flower visitor

 'How dry is it?'  It's drier than a popcorn fart ladies and gents. Single digit humidity, 6%! Seriously. It got down to 45 overnight, so I wasn't just being a sissy putting another blanket on my side of the bed. We do keep the window open a bit for fresh air but still. Temp has already peaked at 82 'but it's a dry heat'. I had to actually put lotion on my hands a few times yesterday and having to do it again today. I have never seen it that dry here. I'm sure it's been that dry just never looked at the stats to see what it was. Very little breeze as well, and no break in this for at least a week.

Today at 12:15pm. Shade is already halfway across the garden area. I doubt the south beds got much direct sun at all.  You can see the minor disarray of the smaller logs, I didn't do that, someone else has picked them up and messed with them. I have a small pile against the wall on the right so I might just move those behind my west bed.

Oh to put a taller raised bed in that spot where the logs are big enough for two people to share the space. Not likely to happen while I'm there, the cost of materials even for a diy pallet type bed would be out of everyone's budget.

A reason for keeping my zinnias as long as possible, still getting small butterfly visits. This one is the size of a skipper, I couldn't see what color the inside of the wings were but suspect they would be grey with some dusty brown as well. She visited every single one of those little yellow cups of nectar and then moved on to another flower to do the same. I forgot my clippers but will go down tonight and take some of the orange ones, more than enough for taking inside and keeping on the bush. I also shaded the little cilantro seedlings that seems to be struggling. They've barely grown the last week but then it's been really odd weather.

The water was completely gone this morning so I decided to plant the remaining of the Red Burgundy onions which it turns out, was six seeds. They are very much smaller than the huge ones from the mystery white onion I saw on my walk and collected from. Will take a picture of the other ones for comparison for next time.

Will see how long it takes the burgundy onions to sprout compared to the others. I discovered another seed as I was folding up the little envelope and just dropped it in one of the pellets. No biggie.

The lettuce sprouts are not doing so well either. I need to get some seedling mix and try again. I lost a few yesterday after leaving them in the sun unfortunately. When the weather starts cooling down again humidity will be going up so better weather for more seeds. I might try to find a colander at goodwill so I can sift small amounts of soil for doing seeds.

Another month is upon us soon and more opportunities for growth and change.

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