Sunday, October 29, 2023

With little to do, little to post.

 Big wind today, and looking at the weather app, it is Santa  Ana conditions. Hot, dry and windy with temps climbing into the 80's this coming week but still drops down about 20 degrees at night. So almost needed another blanket for my feet last night. The air is very dry and 'thin' if you know what I mean, very low humidity. Once this fall Santa Ana is done it will be safer to plant some seeds. This is typical fall weather for us, just forget it happens every year until it gets here.

Progress on the oregano and rose definitely. They are loving the sunny weather for sure and might have to put them in a larger container soon. They are both planted in a peat moss type potting soil so have to be careful not letting them dry out too far.

I left them all in the bed yesterday, so I had pictures but was crazy busy on the computer with other things and never posted.

I decided to chop up the red potato with the biggest sprouts into three pieces. You can see the damage from something that dug into it there on the right. That was as far as it got so I wasn't worried. I then put them in the little cat food can and took them to the porch to dry overnight. Also added more water to the pellet tray, the one at the far back hadn't expanded entirely.

I left a small piece that didn't have any roots out on the surface to see if anything ate it. Looks like something did. Not sure what but will put something over it tonight and see if anything is still there in the morning.











 Hard to see but I planted two of the pieces on the left and the other one on the back right. Will see what happens. I covered them lightly with soil but having just watered, left it as it was. This was just a few hours ago as you can tell by the shadows it's about 4pm. The lettuce was almost completely obliterated from the sun, everything else will survive. I put the lettuce trays back in the shadow area after watering everything thoroughly.

Put the larger plants back in the sun and then saw as I was leaving one of the lemons was actually turning yellow. Nice. I was just wondering about that the other day. 

Because the air is dry, the heat isn't as insufferable as it was in the summer. We didn't have to turn on the ac but it was close since I was running the crock pot and the oven for dinner today.

Water in the morning, water in the evening, ain't we got fun!

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