Thursday, October 19, 2023

The weather rollercoaster continues

 Did I say it was cooling down? Only at night apparently since it's supposed to be 90-92 today. Grumble. Very little wind as well so no relief at all but at least when the wind picks up seriously I'll know there's a change coming.

Had to get another picture of the BoP flowers because there's nothing else really flowering and they're just so darn fun!

 I didn't want to sacrifice an entire russet for my experiment so  I took the largest of the red ones I was trying to sprout and the almost dried up peels then put it on a damp paper towel. Gee... you think it'll work?

Nope, nada. Maybe it was the paper towel as the directions said to put the potato directly on the dirt. Some of the small bits of potato I put under the towel were gone so at least I know they will eat it. I had better luck with the zucchini and tomatoes. They like fruit more than acid type things so I have some apples that I'm not going to eat as they're a bit old. Will try that set up tonight. I just hate digging a hole in the soil but since I've covered up the seeds there's no real reason not to.

Just realized that the bugs are under 3" of soil I put down. It's going to be a while before they work their way back up to the surface. Doh!


There's more lettuce coming up so it may not be a total loss now. I guess they needed more time and just a little sun to get them going. I took a piece of bark and put it over three of the potatoes to see if that helps sprout them a bit faster. Will have to see just how long this is going to take because I may miss the window for fall planting. I'm keeping the oregano in the shade as well for now, it seems to be doing a little better. I am thinking the lettuce is going in the south bed, might have to plant some of the potatoes in the raised bed and change my plans for that. At this point with the way the weather is going I could likely plant a pepper or two in the raised bed and it would do just fine over the winter. Technically can't plant too  many potatoes where tomatoes are/were going and that reminds me I need to add in the last of the fertilizer to the raised bed when it dries out a bit more. That'll be tomorrow at this rate.

Will see what I can get for seeds at the library today or tomorrow. Still have plenty of onion seeds, the lettuce, if  I want to still use the radishes I can toss those all over the place. Maybe do a chaos garden and just randomly plant things. One thing I noticed at HD when I was getting the soil is they have smaller 1 1/2 cf bags of in ground organic soil (aka compost) for two dollars less. The cost does not work out though. 3 bags at that price is $25 (with tax) and two bags of the Kellogs is maybe $20. If I only needed one bag for the small bed, not a problem, one is all I need. Also they have taken their seed racks off the sales floor for the season dangit. Otherwise would have brought home more seeds. Stupidheads.

Oh! I didn't get a picture but when I was digging around in the West bed the other day I discovered two beetle grubs! Pitched them over the wall of course but that's a first for me. Interesting they weren't in the raised bed though. The eggs would have been laid before I put the chicken wire over the soil judging from the size.

So that's it for today, all that's fit to print and not much more.


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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...