Friday, October 20, 2023

Weather, ugh. More seeds!

 Very little to no wind since the sun rose this morning and is predicted to get to the same level as yesterday, 92. So before we go run an errand we will close up and cool the place down while we're out.











I got to the library yesterday and picked up two seed packets, the young man was very kind and gave me 'there isn't much left in these so will just give them to you'. Purple Tomatillo and Chantenay carrots I told him that the first time I came I was given sweet peas that never came up, I only got 5. He was disappointed about that and they didn't have any sweet peas left. He said if he was a bar tender he would be called 'a heavy pourer'. I meant to tell him that he has a 'generous hand'. He also pointed out they had a new rack of native plant seeds from the local Audobon Society.  I'm not in the market for those but I passed that info on to the garden group.

Still have to wait a few weeks for planting the carrots, the tomatillos are warm season being in the same family as tomatoes. Not sure what I'm going to do if I can't get any sweet peas for the trellis.

The lettuce is finally taking off thankfully. Took them long enough! Going to be another while before they are big enough to transplant, if I actually do that. Might just keep them in those containers.

Got hot enough yesterday that the poor transplanted onions were all laying down. I watered last night and some of them perked up. Even the potato plant was wilted over and it looks like it's showing signs of either overwatering or the heat. I kept the oregano and other onions in the shade all day and put the cover back over the cilantro in the other bed.

Stupid late season hot weather. Confuses the heck out of people and plants alike.

Keeping those two out in the sun today, the rose is finally gaining some size on the leaf buds. Without leaves it's hard for it to get the energy to grow so the more sun the better as long as it doesn't dry out too much. The pepper also is recovering with lots of leaves, definitely going to be putting that one up for trade when it gets better sized. I have a package of poblano peppers as well as jalapeƱo and 'Hatch' chilies. With the tomatillos and tomatoes next year I am hoping to have a salsa garden for sure!

Then theres the zucchini I have too. So many seeds, so little room!

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...