Sunday, November 5, 2023

A chance encounter results in seeds.

 Another warm day but still tolerable, clear and nary a breeze outside. Still waiting for this Santa Ana condition to break. App says it's 86 but due to it being much much cooler inside we may not turn the ac on until later. Due to the time change my day started way too early because my bedside clock didn't automatically change as it should have. Thought it was 7:30 got out to the kitchen and looked at the clock and it was an hour earlier. Dangit! Stupid cat got his food early too.


Not much else to take pictures of lately. That potato coming up is in the same spot that I had another one growing earlier in the year. I came across a picture of the potato plants looking for a different picture. Will see how that one grows compared to the other one. Still shading the cilantro until we get some cloudy and cooler weather.

So there's a new resident that I encountered the other day, she's friendly (can't remember her name) but was walking Rocky this morning and she came out on her balcony to say hello and we chatted about the weather. I moaned about not being able to plant seeds in the garden and she said 'oh! would you like some seeds?' I asked what kind and she went and got them explaining that for some reason she thought she had ordered a head of romaine lettuce and got seeds. Don't know how that could be mistaken but bonus! Free seeds are good! 

Turns out Romaine Parris Island happens to be one of the more heat tolerant varieties and is slow to bolt. I am all for that and I surveyed the shade bed for a possible location. Next thing I know, I'm bending over turning the soil with my hands, then the trowel.

I dug out quite a lot of roots that were still trying to grow. I've noticed that with tomato roots, they just keep on going.The soil was the consistency of cornmeal and almost as dry with very little organic matter. It needs a LOT more amendments because when that gets watered it is literally mud. I dug it through then leveled it and put the plants all back in and will be watering everything tonight. That's just going to be my greens bed year round due to the amount of shade. Cilantro maybe find some parsley in the summer not sure how the green onions did there last year but might do those as well. Might even toss the romaine seeds in there tonight. But then I still have those two trays with soil in them already for seeds, still need to get something to sift the soil and also improve the drainage holes.

Really rather tickled and excited to get more seeds and seeds I can actually use right now! I have more than enough seeds right now to plant all the beds and then some.

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