Sunday, November 19, 2023

Another beautiful post rain day

 It really is an ideal day, the kind that if you went walking, a very light windbreaker or flannel shirt is perfect cover over a t-shirt. Not very breezy but with the sporadic clouds drifting over it cools the aira as the sun is blocked. It is almost 2pm and 69 degrees. That kind of cool fall day is perfect.

Gorgeous sky behind the eucalyptus. That's the tree the hawks nest in and I am not sure but possibly one pair of crows. Or they just complain loudly when the hawks are in residence there. I repotted the orchid, roots weren't rotted that I could tell and am leaving it out of the ceramic decorative pot for more air. If that pseudobulb starts failing, it's a goner and will toss it out, haven't had much luck with orchids at all. Last one was a miniature I brought home from work and it rotted as well. Probably due to the lack of light in the front room. Guess I'll have to cross that off my list of plants to grow for now.

Tried to get a better picture of the lettuce seedlings. A good number of them are curled with some coloring. I think I'm getting 100% germination on this batch but since it's a mixed batch with Red Sails and the other mix, hard to say what to thin out. There's also quite a few that are still just poking through the surface as well. Yay!

Timing is everything.


The chives are absolutely taking off and so is the cilantro. Everything and everyone is just loving the weather right now.

Dug out the sweet pea seeds, no change from the day I put them in 18 days ago (no that isn't a root starting to grow, just some soil stuck to the seed). I took a chance and just dropped new ones in without soaking because the peat moss was very wet. Used a long matchstick I found on the ground a while ago and covered them well and deep. I couldn't figure out what to plant in the other six pellets so will just leave them be on the potting bench with the sweet peas and orchid.  

Enjoying the sunshine and cool temperatures for now it might top 80 by Thanksgiving.

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