Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Ditto from yesterday weather, not much else.


Clear and sunny for sure. Not a speck of moisture in the way of clouds in the sky. Supposed to be 80 today and it does feel like it standing in the sun even this morning. Fall colors are transforming the trees as well. Showing off my very urban and not so rural views around me with these photos.

I  checked on things early this morning and spritzed some water on the plants and soil that needed it due to the dry warm spell.

That top picture is one of the romaine seedlings that appears to have been chewed. Three others are doing okay but I think it's time to put some protection around them for tonight. Might have to get the other three clear flimsy cups and cut the bottoms off.

Raised bed in full sun, I watered the rose and oregano because.... peat moss. The lettuce sprouts got a bit of a spray also because they're little. Not shown is the pepper plant that I moved to the ground in front of the bed because the black pot was awfully warm. Doesn't seem to be anything new from the strawberry so I'm hoping it's not failing, and of course the onions..just hangin in there.

The potato is starting to lose the deep green and I have no fertilizer left. This could be from the lack of good direct sun and the soil staying too moist. Cilantro and chives seem to be loving it. The zinnias are still popping with flowers! 

Not sure if it's the same one but they are loving the late season nectar! This one went from the pink to the orange and back again. Even got video.

It's only 24 seconds since it decided to flit and flounce out of the garden at the end. And on other news, I pitched the orchid, discovered it was soft at the base which is a sure sign of rot sadly.

You can see the darker area at the base, and this is after I repotted it but didn't water. I tossed it on the compost and the pot went to my collection. Oh speaking of compost, haven't opened either of those buckets at all and the one that was on the counter I stopped feeding because it had almost turned to water. I just took the whole container out to the dumpster and chucked it in there. Wasn't going to take any chances on that. If I feel ambitious about the compost buckets I'll see about starting another scrap container for the kitchen.

So that's it, good sporadic breeze blowing outside, gardeners using the blower for all the leaves. At least the rain washed most of the dirt off my car.


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